CPI data hits, and the market crashes and falls

1. News

1. ETF situation

The ETF on Tuesday was a net inflow, with an inflow of about 100 million, and Grayscale has more than 50 million. The market is a bullish situation.

2. PPI data analysis

Industrial producer pricing has increased, the data is not conducive to inflation, and the market is too optimistic. Negative data, negative US dollar, negative US stocks, or negative currency circle.

3. CPI data analysis in advance

If the actual value is compared with the expected value, it is negative if it is higher than the expected value, and positive if it is lower than the expected value. If it is negative data: negative US stocks, US dollar currency circle, positive interest rate hike, negative interest rate cut. If it is positive data: positive US dollar, US stocks, currency circle and negative Fed rate hike.

2. Market analysis

1. Ethereum operation suggestion: You can enter a long order near 2900. 2930 and 3000 positions can be observed more. If the market does not go up, high-altitude operations can be performed at these positions.

2. Big cake operation suggestion: 63200-63400 This position can be recommended to be high-altitude. The following is a long order of 61300-61500

Operation suggestion: limited to before 8:30 p.m. #GameStop带动Meme板块 $BTC #5月市场关键事件 #PEPE创历史新高 #美国4月CPI通胀数据即将公布 #Meme币你看好哪一个? $BTC $ETH