In the past two days, we have witnessed shocking scenes.

On the first day, May 13, it surged 74.40%;

The next day, May 14, it rose another 61.74%.

I just checked. The U.S. stock market was closed in the early morning of May 15th Beijing time, but this stock was still rising sharply after the market.

This is not a junk stock, but GameStop (GME), an American stock that shocked the world three years ago and gave birth to a stock market legend.

Three years later, it shocked the world again.


The "leader" suddenly came back.

The "leader" is named Keith Gill, and his online name is "Roaring Kitty".

Three years ago, GameStop was just an ordinary electronic game retailer with an old brand and a slow transformation. It still mainly made money by selling game software, joysticks, etc. in its stores. It was like a "living antique" in the gaming industry.

Wall Street is not optimistic about it and has been shorting it.

I remember a statistic at the time that the proportion of GameStop being shorted reached an incredible 140%. In other words, this stock was repeatedly shorted, and hedge funds hoped to make a lot of money.

This angered many Americans. You know, although GameStop was not doing well, it was the youth memory of many Americans. The first time they played games was by buying software and tools at GameStop.

The "roaring kitten" then raised his arms and called on people to defend GameStop. GameStop's stock price began to fluctuate violently, but the more it fluctuated, the more excited Wall Street became, and the more it bet on short selling.

But what was unexpected was that under the instigation of the "Roaring Kitten" and others, the American people were excited, retail funds continued to flow in, and the stock price of GameStop skyrocketed like a wild horse, rising more than 20 times at its highest point.

As a result, an epic battle between "leeks" and Wall Street took place.

The results of it?

Many hedge funds have lost their reputations on this stock. The hedge funds that were beaten down had to close their positions and buy back, which pushed the stock price up further.

I saw different statistics, some said that shorting this stock resulted in a loss of $19.75 billion, while others said more than $91 billion.

Anyway, it's an astronomical figure.

Finally, Citron Capital announced that it would stop short-selling research. Another Melvin Capital was even worse off, having to accept a $2.75 billion transfusion from two external investors...

Hollywood even made a movie about this called "Dumb Money".

The noise eventually returns to silence.

For three years, GameStop has been on my watchlist, with mediocre performance, but now it is making a splash again.

The "roaring kitten", who had been silent for three years, suddenly posted a sketch on social media on May 12, in which the man on the chair began to lean forward.

This is a very popular meme among gamers, indicating that things are getting serious.

The "roaring kitten" began to roar, and GameStop started a new game.

Regarding his return, an investor wrote on the message board of a stock trading forum: "Oh my God, it's him, he's really back," and said "he can give hedge funds a heart attack."

GameStop is not the only company that has seen its share price surge recently. AMC Cinemas, a similar company, closed up 78.4% on the first day and another 32.76% on the second day...

The passion of "leeks" in the battle against Wall Street has been ignited again. It is said that this sudden surge caused the hedge funds that shorted GameStop to lose 1 billion US dollars.

Finally, what do you think?

Let me just give you three brief points.

First, we must see the Internet’s powerful mobilization capabilities.

The stock market is a confidence economy, and emotions are very important.

It is worth noting that this game fermented in the stock trading forum, where young retail investors encouraged each other. Emotions were contagious, and young people were more likely to stir up trouble, eventually forming a powerful army of ants.

I saw an analyst interpret it this way: "Generally speaking, the traders in the stock market game are the company executives in those skyscrapers. But this time, it was a group of young people sitting on their sofas at home who manipulated the stock market. And this time, this kind of small investors conspiring against the "black forces of short selling" is really unheard of."

This is the power of the Internet. Even if there is no real organization, the power of emotions aroused is enough to shake the entire society.

Second, we must also see the dissatisfaction of young Americans and their hatred of Wall Street.

Why GameStop?

It's very simple. First, this is the youth memory of many Americans, and they have a complex about it.

Second, Americans hate Wall Street and they are more empathetic.

I saw that some Americans have analyzed that "this is a generational conflict, robbing the rich and giving it to the poor young people born in the millennium."

Americans hate Wall Street's greed and complain about social injustice. So, when the "big brother" raises his arm and calls for action, Wall Street will tremble in fear even if the fundamentals have not changed.

Third, we are witnessing history and the best is yet to come.

Don’t forget how the GameStop incident ended three years ago.

Hedge funds suffered huge losses, but at the instigation of Wall Street, some trading platforms suddenly banned retail investors from buying GameStop. Some platforms were even more ruthless and directly cleared the stock codes.

This is equivalent to unplugging all network cables!

In the end, Wall Street lost its moral code and just turned the table and walked away.

Investing is risky, and retail investors are retail investors after all. GameStop began a long decline, and many retail investors shed tears.

Now, the “big brother” is back, but can he defeat Wall Street?

The answer is self-explanatory, but we must see that this kind of anger is stirring across the United States, and not just in the stock market.

So, we also see protests on campuses of universities in the United States, from Harvard to Yale, from Berkeley to Stanford, anger at the killings in Gaza, dissatisfaction with the double standards of the United States, and the tragic and resolute protests of young people...

2024 is an extraordinary year, and the best is yet to come. #GameStop带动Meme板块 $BTC