It’s the darkest moment again. I won’t write any useful information today, but instead talk to you about some chicken soup.

In this circle, there are plenty of opportunities to get rich quickly, and you will take off as long as you seize one.

During the 312 shopping festival, I was still a merchant on Huobi. Normally, the studio’s daily profit was around 8,000 to 9,000 yuan. However, the 312 shopping festival saw a sharp drop, so I sold for 8 yuan and bought for 7 yuan. I made 1.2 million yuan overnight. That was when my dream began.

Later I did incubation. When I was incubating, HT was around 3-4 US dollars. Huobi HT skyrocketed 7 times. I had more than 40 apprentices and it took off directly. I each held 8% of the shares and got 2 million again.

Do you think I am just lucky? Why don’t you have it?

So the question is: Why do you always miss opportunities to get rich quickly through the Internet, Bitcoin, buying a house, and Taobao?

You have relatives who work in the Planning Bureau, you have seen the planning map, and you know that the current suburbs will be transformed into "within the Second Ring Road" in ten years, with buses, subways, business districts... housing prices will definitely rise.

But we don’t know!
(But my family only knows about virtual currency)

If you have spare money at home, and you have nothing to do with it anyway, even if you don't know anything about it, just pick something that won't rot (such as a house or gold) and buy it.

But we don’t!

If you have 10 million, it's no harm to take out 200,000 to buy some Bitcoin and leave it there.

But we need to use the 200k to eat and pay the mortgage.

Those who whitewash the rich and make fun of the poor will tell you that there is no such thing as cognition or faith.

In fact, unfairness is unfairness! Unequal starting points are unequal!

We are just ordinary people. It’s not that we don’t have opportunities, can’t access opportunities, or miss opportunities, but that we can’t see the opportunities.

The cognition of each of us ordinary people is limited. Not all resources in this world are allocated step by step. Too many resources are mismatched due to cognitive gaps, and opportunities arise from this. We always hear people say that you have to know how to seize opportunities, but no one can tell me what opportunity is. For many years, most people thought that opportunities depend on waiting, so they went to school and work step by step every day. Their cognition did not improve at all, and no more people knew them, so there was no opportunity.

There are also many people who are very extreme and only seek refunds. When they see merchants making money, they think they are scammers and should not be making money.

But just remember: we are just ordinary people.

The simplest example is, there is a box that sells for 500,000. The half that is opened may be 5 million, and the other half may be empty. If you only have 100,000, would you borrow 400,000 to buy this box?

Those who have money can buy nine...

Masayoshi Son made a fortune by investing in Jack Ma, but if you look at his SoftBank, hundreds of investments at the beginning all lost money...

If you traveled back in time, you would know how to invest in Jack Ma, and now!

Do you know who to invest in? You don’t!

Rich people can cast their nets everywhere, but you can only gamble once!!!

Anyway, whenever I go online, I see stories of people getting rich quickly, speculating on this and that. But when I get back to reality, I see only big green leeks, all of whom have lost a lot of money. “If I had bought xxx instead of this, I would be worth hundreds of millions now.” Then they continue to brainwash themselves and throw their hard-earned money into playing.

Therefore, all the money you earn is the process of monetizing your knowledge, and you obviously missed the opportunities to make a fortune like MMM, Ezubao, OFO Bike, Tron, LeTV,, etc.!

Of course, I still hope that your hands are on the girl's butt instead of your own thighs. As long as you are not thrown out of the car, you are still lucky.

Finally, I want to say, hold on, don't get thrown off the train. Don't miss this opportunity. I'm also fully invested, so if you lose, we'll share the blame.#BTC走势分析 #ASI代币合并计划 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 $BTC $SOL