Today, GME continues to surge. Social celebrity Roaring Kitty returns to X platform after three years. Yes, the god-like man in the eyes of retail investors. He represents the image of retail investors, and GME is a bit like MEME, the kind of target that is not optimistic. This time, the surge of GME also triggered the surge of related sectors of US stocks, as well as the rise and fall of some local dog coins with the same name such as GME and WSB, and even pulled up MEME such as PEPE. Dogs, as the leader of memes, have been driven by them in the past two days. It can only be said that the myth in the eyes of retail investors has not been forgotten, but has a greater influence. The reason is very simple. Roaring Kitty represents retail investors, and GME stocks have been falling in the past few years after the last myth. There are also many retail investors who are trapped. These retail investors also want to get rid of the trap, so they promote it crazily. Regarding this point, you can also refer to the past and present MEME coins to remind everyone that any myth, although it sounds good, is made up of the blood and tears of "one general's success is the result of the sacrifice of thousands of people". GME stock has fallen from the 21-year high of $344 to nearly $10 some time ago. The story of GME is still going on. This is the story of retail investors against Wall Street. Institutions that have shorted US stocks in the past two days are expected to bleed again. The story of meme will also continue. This is also the dissatisfaction of retail investors with VC institutions, opposing their dominance and the means of cutting leeks as they please. At the climax, don't forget the "thousands of corpses" and make a good exit strategy. VC tokens will have better performances like SOL and MKR, and there will also be very poor performances like ARB. When it is down, you should also consider whether there is an opportunity to buy low. In the previous bull market, many people were full of fantasies about VC tokens. In the subsequent bull market, I think if everyone can't tell whether the new VC coins are good or bad, stay away from them all. Especially stay away from three types of projects: high market value, low circulation, and a large number of unlocking within half a year. Forget about the ones you bought before, just hold on and wait for the bull market

The PPI data is out tonight, and there will be a speech by the Fed Chairman at 10 o'clock, which will be hawkish as expected. Tomorrow there will be CPI data, and you only need to pay attention to the trend before the news is released and the trend at that time. As long as there is a spike, it will generally be repaired within 24 hours. I think it is difficult to fall to the last position

Follow Tianmeng, Junyangli publishes market analysis every day, and recommends high-quality potential currencies

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