To get rich in a bull market, I wrote down 6 thoughts

1 Although the bull market is generally rising, the hype is still centered on the sector. And if a coin soars, it will drive the hype of its sector. After a coin explodes, it will become the leader and cause the popularity of its sector projects

2 There are opportunities everywhere in the bull market, but if you are greedy and want to catch them everywhere, it will definitely not be good in the end. On the contrary, as long as you catch the main rising wave of a sector, it is enough to make you a lot of money. If you are lucky, catch the main rising wave of the sector rotation and catch 2 waves, then you can make unimaginable wealth. For example, the sudden popularity of chatgpt triggered the outbreak of the AI ​​sector, and the release of Sora also triggered a wave of rises. For example, in the second half of 21, the popularity of the metaverse triggered the craze of GameFi in the currency circle

3 What is different from the past is that this round of bull market has many people with money and professional institutions. Instead of chasing hot spots, it is better to focus on good projects/sectors and dig deeper to get higher returns. The market valuation of hot projects is relatively sufficient, and non-hot sectors may have high multiples.

4 It is necessary to distinguish between awesome and potential returns. A very awesome project may not make you money, and the reason is still that the market will fully price it. That is, the projects that everyone is optimistic about may not necessarily have a very large increase.

5 Although it is very refreshing to have a full position in a sector, you may also miss the entire bull market, which is not recommended due to the high risk. It is recommended to use the method of concentration + limited quantity. Divide into several key points and secondary points. The overall control is in one number.

6 The hype of the sector is uncertain most of the time, which is why we have to wait for the wind to come in the bull market. Because the time of hype cannot be determined. The Shanghai upgrade has led to the certainty of the hype of LIDO and SSV. But its disadvantage is that because of its strong certainty, the increase you can participate in may not be very large. That's because there are always many people who will plan ahead. The most typical example is this year's Cancun upgrade, where the increase of arb and OP lags behind other coins.

As an investor who has been working in the cryptocurrency world for many years, I am willing to share my experience and insights with you. If you are interested in the cryptocurrency world but don’t know where to start, you may want to follow my homepage and discuss the mysteries and future possibilities of the cryptocurrency world with me. Click on the avatar to find me.

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