1. High-stakes gambling: betting all your assets on one coin is too risky! Diversify your investments to avoid losing everything if you lose everything.

2. Chase the rise and sell the fall: chase the price when you see it soaring, and sell it in a hurry when it plummets. Stay calm and operate according to the plan.

3. Ignore stop loss: Without stop loss awareness, you will still hold on to illusions even when you fall into the abyss. Set a stop loss level and stop loss in time to avoid greater losses.

4. Believe in rumors: Blindly follow so-called "inside information". Do more research and make your own judgment.

5. Frequent operations: watching the market all day and night, buying and selling frequently. Excessive trading will only increase handling fees and psychological pressure.

6. Not doing homework: Blindly buying coins without understanding the project background and technology. You must do research before investing to avoid stepping on mines.

7. Emotional investment: When you make money, you get inflated; when you lose money, you lose control. Stay rational and avoid being swayed by emotions.

8. Greedy without limit: Not satisfied with profits, always wanting to earn more. Set reasonable goals and stop when they are reached.

9. Excessive leverage: Borrowing money to trade cryptocurrencies, using leverage to amplify returns while also amplifying risks. Do what you can and control risks. #美国4月CPI通胀数据即将公布 #BTC