5.14 Exclusive view of academicians in the currency circle: latest technical analysis of Ethereum, pay attention to the reasonable layout of key indicators and seize opportunities

The volatility of Ethereum is indeed unsatisfactory compared with Bitcoin. Bitcoin has already reached 63,000, but Ethereum has been blocked by the 3,000 mark and has not broken through, indicating that the market sentiment is not as good as everyone expected, but is in a more pessimistic state, resulting in this time always being half a beat slower than Bitcoin. There were many near 2,900 yesterday, and finally after profiting out near 2,950, it was a pity that I left the market and have been in a short position until now.

Looking at the current market today, it is still 2 a.m. before the time of publication. The current price of Ethereum has reached 2,940. Yes, the market has returned to the same position as yesterday morning, but the state is better than Yesterday was much better. Although today's highest of 2996 did not break the 3000 mark, it was also a relatively good situation. The daily K-line continued to step back on the EMA170 support point of 2870 and the EMA160 trend indicator support point of 2910, and then exerted force upward. This flag-type indicator is a typical false break and then stretching trend. So yesterday I defended a wave of layouts in the 2900 and 2875 ranges, and the stop loss was 2850 instead of 2875. KDJ began to shrink, MACD shrunk and increased funds, and DIF and DEA closed at low levels. In addition, the upward space of the daily K-line has not ended after standing on the lower track, and there is still some distance to go from the 3060 middle track pressure level.

The four-hour K-line was blocked by the EMA60 trend indicator at the 3000 mark and began to fall back , it has fallen below the two major support points of EMA30 and EMA15, and has come to the rising trend line. Then we can be sure that the support near 2930 will not be broken, and we can arrange long positions with light positions, defend long positions near 2890, and stop loss at 2850. Because the KDJ indicator is currently closing, MACD is starting to fall with large volume, and DIF and DEA are closing, which means that there is still room below, but it is not appropriate to chase the short position. The best choice is to arrange long positions in advance, with a lighter position, and get on the bus first. After the Bollinger Bands close, it is normal for the K-line to step back on the middle track 2925. Defend the support of the lower track of the Bollinger Bands at 2890, and that's it. The idea is to focus on low long positions and supplement high short positions.

The idea of ​​ultra-short contract operation is as follows:

The entry point of long orders is 2930 to 2920. Light positions are arranged in the range of 2930 to 2920, and long positions are added to defend 2890, with a stop loss of 2850. It is not ruled out that the market will go out of the n-type trend, so a defensive point is arranged, and the low stop loss before the break can be exited. There are two major trend line supports above, which means it is difficult to go short, so don't go short for the time being.

The specific operation is based on the real-time data of the market. For more information, please contact the author. There is a delay in the release of the article. The suggestion is for reference only and the risk is borne by yourself.

As a senior person in the currency circle, I have been committed to providing useful suggestions for everyone. I hope that everyone will take fewer detours and make fewer wrong orders in this market. Although I am sincere, the road of investment still needs to be explored by yourself. Learning is endless, and the experience learned is the real wealth!

There is no need to over-display your strength. The key is to get more people's recognition. On the road of investment, it is more important to do yourself well than to prove your strength to others. Whether it is a mule or a horse, you will know it by pulling it out for a walk.

I am an academician of the currency circle and a warrior who has been protecting leeks. I wish my fans to achieve financial freedom in 2024. Come on!

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