Before each transaction, ensure the safety of the principal, choose the right entry point, build positions in a distributed manner, set a good stop loss, control your hands, do not let the market fluctuations affect your mentality, strictly follow your trading plan, and leave the rest to time: wait, that's it

Before posting, a coin friend asked the coin circle academician what is the charm of our contract leverage trading? Very good question

First of all, we must understand whether the size of leverage is an opportunity or a risk? Usually, especially for novices, there is a natural fear of high leverage, thinking that high leverage means high salary, but high leverage actually magnifies the benefits of the principal, allowing you to try and make mistakes with small funds, and you can earn high returns, but the premise of high leverage must be low positions, so that you can better magnify funds and resist risks. Do you understand?

In the face of the rapid rise and fall of the market, we will not chase it. Today, we will not write an analysis or give a reference position. Empty positions are the best reference. Just treat it as self-discipline. After all, as a trader, if you can't even control your own hands, what qualifications do you have to call yourself a trader?

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