Money-making methodology - die-hard

The top money-making methodology is die-hard, there is a Buddhist word called "Ru Ru Bu Dong".

Whether online or offline, if you think through a keyword in your industry and talk about it clearly, it is money.

Every article, every short video, every live broadcast of yours is specialized enough, focused enough, and you disassemble your keywords as if it were not moving, and that is money.

1. Making money is the choice of direction.

If you are still concerned about the competition in various industries, the impact of the new algorithm on the market, and what is the trend today, these are big and general issues, then time will pass very quickly for you.

In fact, making money is you being as if it is not moving, picking a track in a field, a special project in a track, and a product in a special project.

Pick another keyword in a product, and if you work on this keyword for five or ten years, you will be the god of this entry.

For any entry on a certain audio today, the god's annual income is more than one million or tens of millions.

Making money is afraid of being specific, the more specific, the better.

For example, health preservation. Many people's question is how should I do in the health preservation track?

If you understand it, you will not move. What you need to do is to make specific choices.

The health preservation problem of single women aged 45 to 50 is not the most specific. You can also break down the health preservation problem into insomnia.

The insomnia problem of single women aged 45 to 50. Whether online or offline, making money is afraid of specificity.

If you think about the insomnia problem of single women aged 45 to 50 and think about it and dig deep, you have ten sets of methods to help this group of people solve specific problems.

Such an account can achieve hundreds of thousands or millions of fans in a certain sound, and the amount of cash it can easily realize will exceed your imagination.

But if you want to do everything, men's health preservation, women's health recipes, movements, meditation, you want them all, you can't make a lot of money.

2. The logic of making a lot of money is always to collect money, not to withdraw money.

Buddhist thought is the top methodology for making money.

The more you think about the four words "Ru Ru Bu Dong", the clearer the way to make money will be, and it will help you avoid many detours.

The logic of making big money is always to collect money, not to withdraw money.

The most valuable person in each hospital is not the doctor who knows everything, but the expert in a certain specialty. People from all over the country will go to him with money. This is the logic of collecting money.

Making money

The first level tests your understanding of life and yourself.

The second level tests your understanding of money.

The third level tests your understanding of the monetization path.

The last level tests your execution ability.

The most difficult ones are the first two levels. Making money depends on brainpower. If you don’t think in the right way, you will be tired and unable to make money.

You need to review and think for a long time in the process of doing things, and figure out the reason for making money bit by bit. There is no shortcut to this.

3. In today's environment, you can only make big money online.

This year's Douyin is the best year in the next few years, and it is also the best year in the past few years.

If ordinary people want to make money, Douyin can be said to be the only opportunity at the moment.

There is no second way. Don't listen to the many voices outside that make you anxious. You must follow the official closely and judge the trend from the official actions.

Today, users of Douyin have developed the habit of paying, so Douyin has helped us solve the most difficult traffic problem and user habits. What we need to do is to understand our keywords, and then we can make money and realize it.

4. Don’t just make an account with emotions, but make the account a tool.

Emotion corresponds to resonance, and tools correspond to usefulness.

Resonance cannot be directly realized. There are many links between it and realization. Relying on resonance to realize is complicated and long-winded.

Useful tools can be directly realized, simple and direct.

Tool-type short videos not only require that you are right, but also that others can take a screenshot and use it directly according to the steps of 1234. In this way, the value of your account is generated and your account is established.

Let’s take the catering account as an example. Some catering accounts have very delicate and beautiful pictures, and the music is also very immersive, which makes you like it and want to eat it at first sight.

This type of account has traffic, attention, and fans, but it is useless.

There is another path, which is the particularly vulgar form of pictures and texts that many people think are difficult to monetize.

The monetization of this type of account is terrifying. Netizens can purchase raw materials according to this picture by taking a screenshot.

It is useful to execute this type of account step by step. Put a car under his short video, place an order to purchase raw materials or all recipes with one click, and there is a high probability that many netizens will pay.

Enjoying food and actually practicing are two completely different things.

Being able to practice is the simplest and lowest energy consumption mode of monetization. Such an account is called a tool account, which can automatically collect money.

Most people who learn to cook on a certain sound are people who are not very good at cooking. The tools they need are methods that can be directly used and executed.

People who really know how to cook may like to watch 300 hours to make a palace dish. You must first understand your customers in order to better choose methods and paths.

Whether it is making money or a certain sound, it is your thoughts, methodology, and execution that are tested. If there is a problem in any link, it is difficult to make a lot of money.

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