Why are more and more young people pouring into the cryptocurrency world now?

Because their thinking has become rigid, an ordinary person can never afford a house by working for a lifetime. So they lie flat. They expect to get rich in the cryptocurrency world, but in fact, only in the new financial market like the cryptocurrency world can they get rich.

In the past, it was easy to make money by opening a physical store, and you could buy a house by setting up a street stall. Before 2015, people who made money by doing e-commerce were ordinary people who did it, and ordinary physical brands looked down on them. Later, physical brands rushed in, and ordinary people had no chance.

Now DY e-commerce and celebrities have rushed in. Do ordinary people without money have a chance? It cannot be said that there is no chance at all, but it is already difficult for ordinary people to sell goods. At most, they can make tens of thousands of yuan, which is already a very good level. Most people don't have the opportunity to make a lot of money.

Now young people want to make money, and many wealth myths have been born in the cryptocurrency world. Relying on the rapid development of this new financial market, they have found the entry point for their own wealth explosion. Don't look at other places. If you work hard and earn 100,000 to 200,000 yuan a year, it is impossible for ordinary people to afford a house in a first-tier city.

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