1. Human society has always been a pyramid structure. From top to bottom, the wealth and wisdom held decreases exponentially.

There are very few people at the top, they have easy work and enjoy the fruits of human civilization.

2. The law of civilization is that the strong control the weak.
Wise people manage "idiots". If they are not managed, "idiots" may not even be able to support themselves. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with being brainwashed.

3. Brainwashing is the unspoken rule of all organizations (religions, countries, companies).

4. The essence of any company or the entire industrial chain is similar to "pyramid selling". Only the upper level can obtain better profits, and all those below are just tools to provide services and be exploited.

The next level can only get lower profits and pay more labor.

5. The winner establishes his own controllable order through brainwashing, thereby improving organizational efficiency and allowing people to use their wisdom or physical strength to serve him.

6. Brainwashing is divided into several different levels. The most advanced brainwashing is to make people voluntarily give everything.

7. The highest level of brainwashing is to input belief and make them believers. No one will reject belief. This is the key to the success of all religions, developed countries and top companies.

8. The best management method is never the compulsory method of controlling people, but the interactive process of stimulating action, cohesion and loyalty.

9. The purpose of any management is to establish and maintain a certain order. This order may be good or bad, and may benefit only a few people or the majority.

10. Management is brainwashing, it is controlling the mind, it is erasing differences, making them obey the same thinking and make the same choice, just like a designed program that can run automatically and become a machine that creates value.

For a company, employees must obey the will of their employer, and the programmer who writes the code is the company's boss or management.

11. Treat wealth wisely, and regard it as a tool rather than a dream. Otherwise, it is easy to go astray.

12. The more bloodthirsty a company is, the more it tries to disguise itself as charitable or sacred. They would rather donate money than be nicer to their employees.

13. They can use hypnosis to make others become "your people". This is the charm of excellent leaders.

14. The successful experiences that others tell you are the ones that can be shown on the table, but the real successful experiences may not be visible to the public, and they are unwilling to tell others.

15. Most "rules" are deceptive, designed to constrain others and serve themselves. You must think about who is the beneficiary behind it, so that you will not be controlled.

16. Really rich people don't trust anyone who has already succeeded, and never believe in or follow a certain experience. They only trust themselves, hold on to what they can see, and predict future trends.

17. Brainwashing can be described by a pyramid model, which can be divided into the missionary class and the receptor class from top to bottom. The brainwashing source is at the top of the pyramid. They have the power to decide the rules and are also the group that benefits the most from it.

18. Ignorance is always controlled by knowledge, and knowledge always dominates ignorance.

19. The most direct means of brainwashing is violence, but the most effective means are national education, media propaganda and professional brainwashing.

20. People at the top of the pyramid want stability rather than development.

21. In feudal rule, in action, the highest officials enacted various punishments to severely punish those who attempted to betray and rebel.

In terms of ideology, the elite class helps those in high positions to unify the people's thoughts and tell people what to do to be moral and beneficial to personal fame. Nowadays, the governance of many countries and companies is similar.

22. Hard work does not necessarily lead to wealth. If a person is placed in a division of labor that is destined to create wealth for others, perhaps the more hardworking he is, the poorer he will become.

23. The vast majority of people cannot escape the fate of being brainwashed. They can only live according to the rules set for you by the strong, follow a track that obeys "industrial design", and like a machine, deviate from the simple and direct direction.

24. If you want to change your life and get closer to success and happiness, you must first change your mindset, get rid of the shackles of brainwashing, and complete the evolution of your thinking. Only by doing things according to the mindset of a winner can you become a winner.

25. Winner's Rule: Pursue supreme authority, control the process, and be tolerant of the results.

26. Rather than saying that successful people control wealth, it is better to say that they set the rules of the game for making wealth.

Those who master the rules are the biggest winners, they can easily win back what they have lost temporarily.

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