Shocked! The young man cheated the big boss of the cryptocurrency circle for 3 million u

1. Why was the big boss of the cryptocurrency circle cheated?

Many big bosses conquer the cryptocurrency circle, are successful in the business world, but fail in social life. They have few friends in reality and are extremely empty inside. There are many such people in the cryptocurrency circle, so the scammers have an opportunity to take advantage of them. They use the emotional value provided to the big bosses to let them fall into the trap step by step, aiming to steal the resources and wealth of the big bosses, and disappear in the crowd after they succeed.

2. How did the young man approach the big bosses?

The young man first locked onto 10 big names in the cryptocurrency circle who often showed off their assets. Then he decorated his homepage according to the big names’ preferences, sent private messages to the big names to sign up as a free assistant, approached the big names in the name of learning experience, chatted with the big names, used his high emotional intelligence and IQ to win the big names’ favor, took the initiative to ask for a face-to-face meeting, became the big names’ bag-carrying brother, cleaned the house for the big names who lived alone, and shoveled cat litter. According to the big names’ recollections: Due to the high pressure of work at ordinary times, the young man had good conversation and was just right in getting along with others. He quickly gained the big names’ trust with his special charm and sincere skills.

3. The real purpose is revealed, and the net begins to close

The young man began to ask the boss which coin has potential. The boss also changed from being on guard against the young man to wanting to help the young man make money. He told him some inside information without reservation and took the young man to buy several insider coins. The young man was also very smart. After making money from buying, he invited the boss to the most high-end restaurant for dinner. After three rounds of drinks, he asked the young man how much he bought. The young man timidly said that he bought 5000u, and now it is 10,000u. His father was sick at home and he dared not buy more. The boss softened his heart and said, I will lend you 3 millionu, and you can pay me back after you make money. Anyway, you will definitely make money. After receiving the coins, the young man left the country the next day...

4. Expensive emotional value

Emotional value is originally a marketing concept, which is the ability to bring people all kinds of good feelings and the ability to cause positive emotions. Each of us will be affected by it to a certain extent. For example: if a coin or an NFT can provide you with emotional value, you will provide its CX for free and become the free labor of the dog dealer to push it. You are reluctant to sell at high prices and reluctant to cut at low prices. You will increase your position during a callback and still believe in it after it returns to zero. Such examples are everywhere in the currency circle.

5. Summary of the big boss being cheated

A big boss in the cryptocurrency circle, at the top of the pyramid, has enjoyed luxury cars, villas, delicious food, travel, etc., and is tired of all these. After they are financially free, what they lack is emotional value. There is a saying in China that it is lonely at the top. The strong are often lonely. They need emotional value to dispel loneliness, but they did not expect to let the scammers take advantage of it. Therefore, in the cryptocurrency circle, the big boss who is already financially free should not meet in person if they can.

So which coin did the big boss ask the guy to buy?


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