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Let me tell you a simple but very practical cryptocurrency trading plan. If you operate it well, you will basically make money. 1. Divide the funds on hand into five equal parts. For example, if you have 10,000 dollars, divide it into five parts and use 2,000 dollars for each transaction. 2. Use one part of the funds to buy a currency at the current price. 3. If the currency price drops by 10%, buy another part. 4. When the currency price rises by 10%, sell one part. 5. Repeat the above steps until all the funds are used up or all the coins are sold. Under this strategy, once you buy, you don’t have to worry even if the currency price drops, because we will continue to buy when the currency price drops. In fact, if all five parts of the funds are used up, the currency price has at least fallen by nearly 50%. Unless there is a big market waterfall, the currency price will not fall so fast. From the perspective of income, each sale of funds can bring a 10% profit. Taking a total fund of 100,000 as an example, if 20,000 is used each time, then each sale will earn 2,000 yuan. However, this strategy also has certain problems. The 10% fluctuation is relatively large, which may make it difficult to complete the transaction, so you need to wait longer. This will affect the efficiency of the use of funds, because the funds may be idle for a long time or occupied by individual coins. However, this problem can be solved by reducing the fluctuation range. For example, you can choose to buy currencies with high stability and choose Binance financial products for investment when the funds are idle. In this way, you can get extra income while waiting for the price of the currency to change. Risks and opportunities coexist in the currency circle. If you haven't found the right team and leader, you might as well use the page to play the God of Wealth, and share free dry goods and benefits with you. Remember, opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared. #ETH #BTC走势分析 #BTC走势分析

Let me tell you a simple but very practical cryptocurrency trading plan. If you operate it well, you will basically make money.

1. Divide the funds on hand into five equal parts. For example, if you have 10,000 dollars, divide it into five parts and use 2,000 dollars for each transaction.

2. Use one part of the funds to buy a currency at the current price.

3. If the currency price drops by 10%, buy another part.

4. When the currency price rises by 10%, sell one part.

5. Repeat the above steps until all the funds are used up or all the coins are sold.

Under this strategy, once you buy, you don’t have to worry even if the currency price drops, because we will continue to buy when the currency price drops. In fact, if all five parts of the funds are used up, the currency price has at least fallen by nearly 50%. Unless there is a big market waterfall, the currency price will not fall so fast. From the perspective of income, each sale of funds can bring a 10% profit. Taking a total fund of 100,000 as an example, if 20,000 is used each time, then each sale will earn 2,000 yuan. However, this strategy also has certain problems. The 10% fluctuation is relatively large, which may make it difficult to complete the transaction, so you need to wait longer. This will affect the efficiency of the use of funds, because the funds may be idle for a long time or occupied by individual coins.

However, this problem can be solved by reducing the fluctuation range. For example, you can choose to buy currencies with high stability and choose Binance financial products for investment when the funds are idle. In this way, you can get extra income while waiting for the price of the currency to change.

Risks and opportunities coexist in the currency circle. If you haven't found the right team and leader, you might as well use the page to play the God of Wealth, and share free dry goods and benefits with you. Remember, opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared.

#ETH #BTC走势分析 #BTC走势分析

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晚间和大家分享3个潜力山寨币,感兴趣的可以关注参考! 1.VELO 维罗 (VELO) 是一项备受关注的山寨币,背后是Velo Labs的创新力量,该公司推动着金融交易领域的革命。他们引入了Velo协议支持的创新联合信用交换网络,这项创举正以前所未有的方式影响着金融市场。 Velo Labs通过强大的智能合约系统实现了数字信贷的发行和无边界资产的自由转移,同时保障了交易的快速、安全和可靠。他们的恒星共识协议为其在不同业务场景中的广泛应用提供了无与伦比的优势。特别值得一提的是,VELO能够发行与任何法定货币挂钩的有抵押品支持的数字信用,这一创新举措极大地提高了价值交换的透明度和效率。 目前,VELO的市值已达到约1.78亿美元,位列加密货币市场前290名,这清晰地展示了Velo Labs在金融领域的巨大潜力和影响力。投资者可以密切关注VELO,或许有望在短期内获得可观的回报。 VELO代币最近的涨势引起了许多寻找低市值山寨币的投资者的关注。在过去六周里,其价格涨幅超过了300%,这一牛市行情相当吸引人,预计本月的趋势将更加强劲。 VELO的历史最高价为2.36美元,而当前市场价格仅为0.021美元,显示出巨大的上涨潜力。如果市场继续处于牛市状态,山寨币很可能在2024年实现较大的增长。对于寻找投资机会的人来说,VELO代币可能是一个令人期待的选择。 2.Lever LeverFi提供了一个重要的平台,将交易与流动性挖掘紧密融合,为投资者提供了更高效的资金利用途径。 用户可以存入各种抵押品,如比特币、以太坊,以及Curve和Uniswap的流动性提供者代币,以进行大规模的统一交易。通过简化的费用结构,LeverFi显著提高了交易效率,每笔交易仅需支付1%的费用。 LEVER代币价格在2024年显示出了趋势逆转的迹象,并出现了近200%的反弹,为投资者提供了突破入场的机会。当价格突破0.003750美元的阻力区时,山寨币已准备好在本周大幅上涨。 如果比特币或DeFi领域的牛市持续下去,山寨币可能在5月份迎来一波涨幅。 3.HIGH HIGH代币是Highstreet项目的核心,Highstreet致力于将去中心化商业与VR技术相结合,打造一个游戏赚钱的元宇宙。该生态系统实现了货币交换的顺畅流通,将现实世界和虚拟世界无缝连接,为用户提供了独特的市场体验。在游戏中,物品的价值不仅仅体现在数字层面,还可以在现实世界中兑换实际产品。 通过在虚拟宇宙中的探索,玩家不仅可以获取虚拟物品,还能超越数字界限,进一步丰富他们在虚拟和现实世界中的体验,这种模式既独特又具有深远意义。 HIGH代币的市值达到2.29亿美元,全球排名第254位。该代币曾创下44美元的历史最高价,但目前价格为4.53美元,折价率为88.65%。 如果你不会筛选强势币,想要了解更多犀利操作策略?提前埋伏哪些潜力币?那么建议你关注我。并通过主页联系财神。一对一给您们仓位做分析。记住,机会总是留给有准备的人。 #山寨币热点 #HIGH #lever
BTC接下来是涨还是跌?山寨币该布局哪些? 截止到今天,大饼已经连续高位横盘震荡了近两个月,让很多人开始对大饼失去信心。比特币接下来是涨是跌? 在我看来,市场情绪悲观反而是好事。因为行情总是在分歧中不断发展的,没有这些看空的人,主力怎么吸筹?主力吸不到筹码,控不住盘面,大饼怎么上涨,怎么突破?现在行情是典型要把散户磨走。典型的空头结构,但是又不暴跌,他也不走强,最少还要持续1个月以上。本轮行情,出现了很多新常态,etf的出现,使得整个币圈波动都变小了,2021山寨如果出现同样的指标,应该已经腰斩3次了,比特币应该去5万。可是现在山寨仅腰斩一次,比特币维持6万。所以我相信,大饼会继续上涨,甚至会向65k发起强攻,拉出一根大阳线!不管你现在是空仓还是满仓,不管你是拿的什么币种,请继续持币不动摇,耐得住寂寞才能守得住繁华。 山寨强势的还是那几个币,4月13日以后很多强势山寨已经底部行成了,在震荡向上趋势,慢慢爬坡走势。细心的可以找这些币,未来这些也会是强势币,下一轮拉盘的:AI赛道、 SOL生态、MEME币、 RWA赛道(这个稍微弱一点) AI赛道:ARKM、 RNDR 有的可以继续拿,后面GPT5发布肯定还会带动一波行情,NFP 现价可以分批入, AGIX FET 都是不错的选择   SOL生态:MEME 币可关注 WIF 、 BOME   RWA赛道:关注 ONDO、 POLYX   体育板块:6月欧洲杯和7.26~8.11的巴黎奥运会 可关注 SANTOS 、CHZ 老币推荐ETC 和 ZEC ,ETC6月16号减半 ,ZEC连续跌了二十多个月,超跌状态开始走强,喜欢老币的可以关注 新公链可以关注 SEI 、 SUI   以太二层可关注 SSV 、 OP 想知道具体埋伏哪些潜力币?那么建议你关注我。并通过主页联系财神。一对一给您们仓位做分析。记住,机会总是留给有准备的人。 #BTC走势分析 #山寨币热点 $BTC #5月市场关键事件
今天早上有位粉丝朋友加了我,问我买啥币,我给了他分析分析,然后叫他截屏我看我一下买了那些币,结果一截屏二十多种,看的我眼睛花花的。 然后我问他,为啥买了这些币这不是瞎买吗?他说跟着这些大v推买的,咱们买币一定要看准入手,让自己的资金利润最大化,不是买啥就能涨的,然后我给他合理分配了一下仓位,今早成功抄底。只管买价值币。 大家不会买啥的,不会合理分配仓位的可以连戏我。提高自己的认知力 接下来回答一下大家啊币圈接下来还会迎来519大跌吗? 我分析一下吧。仅供参考   一观大局、定牛熊、断阶段。   21年519大跌的形成,从时间上来看,是经过长期上涨之后出现的。   从20年312大跌开启的牛市,比特币从4000美金一路上涨到64000多美金,比特币涨幅16倍。   而这轮比特币在22年11月23日15487美金位置见底,到目前不到4倍涨幅。   价格和时间上来说以及空间都不符合,也都不具备大跌的基础。趋势更是不尽相同,一个是牛市上涨过程,一个是牛市转熊市。而当下行情所处的阶段,不应该是恐慌,而是要克服恐惧的时候。   也是需要勇敢的时候,你要有信心和信念相信币圈牛熊周期的转换。终将迎来拨开乌云见晴天的日子,你但凡内心不够坚定,那么通往牛市的车,肯定会被甩下来的。而真正等到行情上涨了,你没有在车上,错过的不仅仅是当下、更是未来。   随着币圈全球参与的人越来越多、专业的机构也越来越多,这波牛市只会更加颠簸。我们不具备专业的技能和足够的认知,想到达牛市巅峰,过程只会更加坎坷。与其天天焦虑不安,情绪被行情的涨涨跌跌所影响,不如把更多的焦点放在提升自身认知和能力上面来。 如果你不会筛选强势币,想要了解更多犀利操作策略?提前埋伏哪些潜力币?那么建议你关注我。并通过主页联系财神。一对一给您们仓位做分析。记住,机会总是留给有准备的人。 #山寨币热点 $BTC #BTC走势分析

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