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The three stupidest things I did after my debt broke out Last year, when I was in debt and had nothing to borrow, my debt broke out. At that time, I was impatient and impulsive and did the three stupidest things. Now I think about it and really want to slap myself, especially the last thing. Almost every debtor will fall into the trap. I share my personal experience of debt and feelings in the hope that it can help you and your fellow debtors avoid many detours. The first thing: when my card had a gap and it was difficult to repay, in order to fill the gap in my bank card and credit card, I kept borrowing various online loans, robbing Peter to pay Paul, and borrowed all the money that my friends around me should borrow. In the end, because I couldn’t pay it back, I lost the trust of many friends. In the end, I still went back and forth, and the interest was like a snowball, which kept rolling up, and finally collapsed. The second thing: When my family and I received frequent collection calls and learned about my debt, we were extremely disappointed and asked how much I owed and how I owed it. I was afraid that they would worry and blame me, so I was still hiding and lying, and did not tell them the full amount of my debt. As a result, my family was disappointed in me again, thinking that I was stubborn and a bottomless pit. The third thing: Because I couldn't pay it back, I was desperate and chose to escape at first. I lay in bed every day, smoking and drinking every day. I was very negative, didn't answer the phone or read the text messages on my mobile phone, didn't want to know how much I owed, and deliberately avoided and didn't want to face the reality. As you can imagine, this trouble is already very big, and it is almost a situation of prosecution. Later, I understood a truth. When you take the initiative to find trouble, this trouble can still be solved, but when trouble takes the initiative to find you, it is very likely that you can no longer solve it. All my friends in trouble and debt, I hope that the pits I have stepped on will not be stepped on again. #BTC $BTC

The three stupidest things I did after my debt broke out

Last year, when I was in debt and had nothing to borrow, my debt broke out. At that time, I was impatient and impulsive and did the three stupidest things. Now I think about it and really want to slap myself, especially the last thing. Almost every debtor will fall into the trap. I share my personal experience of debt and feelings in the hope that it can help you and your fellow debtors avoid many detours.

The first thing: when my card had a gap and it was difficult to repay, in order to fill the gap in my bank card and credit card, I kept borrowing various online loans, robbing Peter to pay Paul, and borrowed all the money that my friends around me should borrow. In the end, because I couldn’t pay it back, I lost the trust of many friends. In the end, I still went back and forth, and the interest was like a snowball, which kept rolling up, and finally collapsed.

The second thing: When my family and I received frequent collection calls and learned about my debt, we were extremely disappointed and asked how much I owed and how I owed it. I was afraid that they would worry and blame me, so I was still hiding and lying, and did not tell them the full amount of my debt. As a result, my family was disappointed in me again, thinking that I was stubborn and a bottomless pit.

The third thing: Because I couldn't pay it back, I was desperate and chose to escape at first. I lay in bed every day, smoking and drinking every day. I was very negative, didn't answer the phone or read the text messages on my mobile phone, didn't want to know how much I owed, and deliberately avoided and didn't want to face the reality. As you can imagine, this trouble is already very big, and it is almost a situation of prosecution. Later, I understood a truth. When you take the initiative to find trouble, this trouble can still be solved, but when trouble takes the initiative to find you, it is very likely that you can no longer solve it. All my friends in trouble and debt, I hope that the pits I have stepped on will not be stepped on again.


Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. See T&Cs.
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给一些基本面不错的币种打一个标签,看看你买的币种在不在里面 传统项目(体量大,时间久): BTC:区块链始祖,行业标杆 ETH:万链之王,生态最强 BCH:扩容版的BTC ADA:打不死的学院派老公链 SOL:华尔街资本公链,公链龙二,潜力无限 DOGE:马斯克的最爱,现在可以买特斯拉的一些东西 MATIC:L2老龙头 MKR:借贷老龙头,去中心稳定币龙头,RWA板块龙头 AAVE:也是借贷老龙头 AR:存储龙头,这轮异常的强势 后起之秀(本轮新币中热度较高币种) ARB:L2新龙头,生态在四巨头里第一 OP:一键发行L2超级链龙头,被a16z强奶 LDO:以太坊质押龙头 PENDLE:衍生利率品收益交易龙头,交叉多个赛道 CFX:香港概念,国产公链 SHIB:老情怀动物币,社区庞大 FLOKI:马斯克新宠,未来可能会再喊 PEPE:青蛙币,有成为下一个shib的趋势 APT:脸书离职人员开发的高性能新公链,用move语言开发 RDNT:跨链借贷龙头,arb生态项目 RNDR:AI云算力龙头与苹果有合作 AGIX:AI概念 FET:AI公链 RWA: ONDO贝莱德背景,RWA新龙一 STX:BTC二层扩容网络,也称小饼,跟BTC同步率很高 GALA:元宇宙老龙头 ORDI:第一个BRC20铭文代币 MAGIC:想做链游界的任天堂 INJ:DEFI公链+各种套娃玩法 CYBER:币安投资的去中心社交项目 FXS:DEFI万金油,准备推出自己的L2公链和涉足RWA TIA:模块化公链龙头,非常适合质押 ILV:3A级元宇宙链游大作 LINK:预言机龙头 PYTH:SOL生态项目,预言机顶级新秀 jasmy:物联网龙头 #folki #PEPEUSDT
不少朋友又开始跃跃欲试,杀回币圈。王者归来,还是羊入虎口?下面是投身币圈的一份简明破产指南,供各位朋友,尤其是小白朋友参考。 一、追涨杀跌 破产速度:1颗星。 当你看到市场热起来了才想起来要入场,就已经是后知后觉了。更加雪上加霜的是,你仍然无法判断接下去是继续涨,还是会回调。通常的规律是,你如果不进场,它就会继续涨;你一旦进场,它就开始止涨转跌。万般沮丧之下,你只好忍痛割肉。 一涨一跌,一进一出,一买一割,你就为这个波动的市场提供了养料。滞后于市场,又何谈跑赢市场?追涨杀跌,哪怕操作对象是优质资产,最后也是沦为市场的“盘中餐”。正应了那句打油诗:一通操作猛如虎,一看就剩个二百五(自个儿)。 只有建立自己的领先指标,才能领跑市场,从市场胜出。 二、买山寨币 破产速度:2颗星。 有的朋友觉得买主流币追涨杀跌是锯子锯木头、来回慢慢割,破产的速度太慢,那么可以考虑挑战山寨币、归零币。 若是从来没有买过比特币的小白,直接挑战山寨币,效果更佳。趁着自己压根儿没建立起对区块链和数字货币的正确认知,也不知道真正去中心化、不基于信任的比特币长啥样子,这样更容易轻信山寨币的宣传和鼓吹,满仓杀入,迅速归零。 追涨杀跌比特币,仓位控制好的话,可能玩上一两年都没输光,甚至可能还赚了;而梭哈一把山寨币,运气好的话应该短则几天长则几个月就能光荣破产了。 三、玩资金盘 破产速度:3颗星。 资金盘的原理非常简单,拆东墙补西墙,用后来者的资金偿还前面的超高收益回报。它不崩盘的首要条件就是源源不断的后来者持续带来新资金流入。因此,金字塔层级分销拉人头的战术方法就成了资金盘项目的天作之合。 准确找到资金盘项目并不难。看两点就够了:第一,你的资产数量会自动变多;第二,拉人头有奖励。 如果你开始踏入一个个盘子,恭喜你,你离破产已经不远了。 四:100倍杠杆 破产速度:5颗星。 要说炒币破产的王者之路,100倍杠杆合约一定当仁不让。作为很多交易所强力推荐的特色产品,100倍杠杆工具给了渴望一夜暴富的炒家一个幻想中的可能性。尤其是开100倍杠杆做空,更是残暴中的残暴。 在这条100倍杠杆的路上,白骨皑皑。这终极的破产大法,消灭的将不仅仅是你的财富,甚至会包括你的肉体。往往不需要一秒钟。电光火石刹那之间,你还没有回过神来,一切就结束了。但见: 满屏荒唐言,一把辛酸泪。都讲炒币痴,谁知韭菜味? 如果你主动找我 、我的策略密码。 现货合约面对粉丝无偿分享。 只需点开头像,关注煮页。 即可入籿(无偿) #山寨币热点
2024年下半年比特币以太坊的牛市何时启动 自比特币四月开始调整,截止到五月底已经调整两个月了。之前的预测是以单边下跌的方式调整到53000附近在五月底,然后自六月开始开启主升浪。下跌在5月中旬形成反转,这个有人问已经留言提醒过了。 那么六月份的行情如何进行,谈一下我的观点: 首先 说一下最坏也是最好的情况吧。四月份开始的下跌在价格上虽然没有到达目标位,但是可以预见的是比特币不会深跌破53000了。最差的行情就是在六月和七月再次缓慢下跌,在周图上完成ABC调整,从而开启牛市的主升浪。这样说是最坏是说行情还要调整一个多月,说是最好是后面启动牛市会更猛。 其次。目前的天图行情属于震荡做多行情,不排除行情再经历一次天图的调整就启动新高。所以我们目前做的就是每一次天图级别调整后慢慢建仓(其实大部分的币种还是在慢慢筑底阶段) 最后,再说如何选择好的币种。我个人推荐的就是参照一下几个要素: 第一:热点 今年几个大的热点:ai raw sol meme 还有一些概念很好的等 第二:meme不算,背后是否有强大的机构背景 第三:寻找周图已经趋势是多头趋势的(可以参照之前发的技术分析) 第四:最近的天图上涨是否伴随着成交量的明显放量。 最后说一下,前面以太坊的行情预示了下半年是一个主升浪的行情,一旦行情突破新高,那么行情会持续到元旦前就不会有太大的风险了。 总结就是一句话就是6月和7月每次天图的下跌都是一次中长线建仓的机会。虚拟货币市场或许2024年是最确定性的投资机会,以后不会有这么好的机会了。2025年以后尘归尘土归土。 如果你主动找我 、我的策略密码。 现货合约面对粉丝无偿分享。 只需点开头像,关注煮页。 即可入籿(无偿) #meme板块 #sol板块
今天是2025年七月1日,比特币价格153000美金。我的账户也从3万块到了八十万。其中涨幅最大,获利最多的就是CORE,从2.5美金买的八百多个,现在是99U一个,翻了接近四十倍,赚了差不多55万多。真是幸运啊,也很佩服自己,一路涨跌,曾经最低到了0.5U,本金接近归零,但是我一晚上浮亏一万多块,整夜睡不着啊,难受,抽了一包烟,嗓子都是苦的。 但是没办法,币圈嘛,做合约倾家荡产,一夜白头,然后从高楼一跃而下的也大有人在,像我做现货的已经是稳重的了。后来都知道了噻,随着美联储降息连续三次降息,特朗普支持虚拟货币合法,2024年9月币圈大牛市猛然来袭,很多人都没反应过来,还以为是诱多,结果是真牛,比特币价格迅速突破10万美金,抖音以及各种媒体铺天盖地的报道比特币是泡沫,投资需谨慎。以太坊也突破了6000美金,把空头直接拉爆。 然后12月份比特币一直横盘在12万美金的样子,我的CORE也蹭蹭上涨,一路干到了50美金。仅是这一个币我都赚了35W,出门好像都自信了很多。每天涨跌都是几千块,一会绿一会儿红,哎呀,心态也好了很多,这是我经历的第二个牛市了,也不像当初的自己那么浮躁,不再听信他人的消息,而是相信周期,相信资金的流向。 也许及时收手的话就能净赚三十多万,加上SATS和RNDE的十几万收益,再我这个年级来说已经是很不错了。 但是我相信牛市远没有结束,毕竟没有听到街口的大妈谈论买比特币,还有比特币减半还没十个月,大牛还有,道友莫怕! 谁知啊,受战争影响和美总统的政策原因,比特币价格急剧下跌,短短一周就回落至八万美美金,账户上也只有一般浮盈了,没办法,这就是币圈的魅力,一夜暴富。 后来我就取了两万块钱出来,想这就算全归零,也没亏损多少,真亏了就认了。 然后来了西藏,在这里生活了一周多,去八角街、布达拉宫转一转,觉得需要祈祈财运,又去了扎基寺,把交易所都卸载了,彻底的放松了自己。在去冈仁波齐转山的时候,遇到两个内转的陕西姑娘,没什么登山经验,说是来了阿里,非要挑战一下自己的极限,结果扭到了脚。周围荒无人烟,白茫茫一片也没有信号,最后还是我和她的朋友一起把她背下去。后来的事情就不说了,现在她正在我身边。 后来二月份回到了老家,币圈人的热情已经不是一点假消息就能忽悠的,比特币重回12W,一路上涨,SATS作为比特币的生态,也突破了一个零,到了5开头,给我带来了不小的收益。 不说了,往事如烟,随风而去吧。 现在银行卡已经有80多个W了,在我们这十八线小城市也算不错了。 出门开着我的小秦,路上被按喇叭也不觉得难受了。你别说,人逢喜事精神爽,下班回来买点牛蛙,准备做个小火锅,顺手在超市旁边买了张大乐透,结果晚上九点半开奖,又中了个二等奖,真是佛祖保佑。后来去了省体彩中心兑奖,差不多一个星期就到账了。 平时除了家人也没和人说赚钱的这个事情。 生活普普通通,买了点长江电力,十几万。币圈本身还有个几万块,全部换成U,准备这两个月全仓五倍做空,希望能再赚一笔吧。 之前手里就几万块,老想着有个十几万就好了,就不用担心每个月三千多的房贷了,现在手里接近小一百个,却还想如果有三百万就真的不用上班,老老实实吃利息,生个小孩子就可以了,没事出去骑一骑凯越525,2万多买的二手的。 说完了,以上都是我的意淫。。。#CORE #BTC走势分析

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