In the cryptocurrency world, if you want to achieve the goal of a million yuan in capital, a key way is to use the rolling strategy.

Once you successfully accumulate 1 million yuan in capital, you will find that your life has changed dramatically. Even if you do not use high leverage, relying solely on the increase in spot prices, a 20% increase can bring you 200,000 yuan in income, which is already the annual income limit for many people.

More importantly, when you gradually grow from a small capital of tens of thousands to a million yuan, you will gradually understand the secret of making big money. At this time, your mentality will become more peaceful, and the future path is nothing more than copying previous successful experiences.

Don't always fantasize about tens of millions or hundreds of millions of yuan in income, but be down-to-earth and start from your actual situation. Trading requires keen identification of the size of opportunities, and you can't just hold a light position or always hold a heavy position. In daily trading,

You can test the water with a small position, but when a big opportunity comes, you must go all out.


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