There is a very essential difference between people who have made a lot of money and those who have not. People who have not made a lot of money always have a linear thinking, always thinking about making money every day and every month, so their plans are very short-term. As long as they can't make money for a period of time, their rhythm will start to be messed up, and they will start to mess around until they collapse. Those who have made a lot of money know that without good trend opportunities, it is difficult to make money even if you work hard, so they spend most of their time waiting until the moment when the opportunity comes. They will take action immediately and seize the opportunity fiercely. This time is something that many people cannot achieve in their lifetime. In the currency circle, the less the principal, the more they like to mess around, and the more likely they are to ignore various risks. As a result, they often lose money. And the more principal, the more stable the investment. Although the profit multiple is small, it can continue to make profits and make amazing wealth in a snowball-like manner. To paraphrase a comment from my fans, most people are unwilling to get rich slowly, even if the growth rate has far exceeded the social average level. In fact, this market is very good

But most people lose to themselves

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