How are cattle and horses harvested?

1. Inflation: The annual inflation rate of nearly 10% has been gently diluting the paper in the hands of cattle and horses; and the imbalance of currency circulation will dilute and harvest your increased income and spare money in advance, and the growth of actual purchasing power will always lag behind the rise in asset prices; most people will still be in the proletariat no matter how hard they work;

2. 996: Harvest your time, attention, and body to the greatest extent; it seems that you get higher income, but in fact a large part of the value generated per unit time has been arbitrage by the upper class;

3. Confucian culture and consumerism: forcibly divide people into illusory classes through something, so that cattle and horses work harder for social evaluation and are willing to be squeezed dry.

Inflation dilutes your wealth - 996 squeezes your time and health - cultural attributes and forcibly implanted concepts make you like a headless fly, the three form a closed loop and reinforce each other; but it is difficult for most people to change, and they cannot jump out of this vicious circle. They can only go further and further on the road of cattle and horses and squeezing, and become more and more painful.

There is only one kind of heroism in the world, that is, after recognizing the truth that you are a cow or a horse, you can still make contributions to the superior people. It is not because of hardship that you are cheap; it is because of cheapness that you are hard.

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