BTC: Yesterday, a small negative line was closed, and there were upper shadow lines above for three consecutive days, indicating that the selling pressure above it is far from stopping. The selling pressure at the daily level shows that the short side has signs of weakening. Can we give the long side a chance to counterattack? At this stage, the trend observation is still in a downward channel, and it is currently fluctuating in a wide range. The trend line focuses on 63900, which is the short-term watershed of strength and weakness. The recent trend is particularly tiring and sluggish. After some people with weak wills leave the market, the real bull market may usher in the main rising wave.

ETH: Linked to the trend of Bitcoin.

About cottages: Market sentiment has recently shown obvious anxiety and panic. Except for a few cottages that are short-lived, other cottages have shown a sluggish trend, weak rebound, and shaken player confidence. More and more voices predict that the market is about to enter a bear market. This view has gradually become the mainstream, exacerbating the panic of players. With the increase of these negative voices, the market seems to have entered a hopeless cycle, and the player's mood continues to decline. Everything will look to the big cake. Only when the big cake stabilizes, the cottage dares to look up. Be patient and don't panic. This is a bull market!

Today's hot topics: RWA; Meme.

The panic index is currently 55 (greed)