Wednesday summary and early morning operation ideas: Unwind ~ short!

Intraday, just one word, 箜. There are not too many flowers and plants. Follow the trend. As long as you follow the ideas, you should be able to 箜 all the way. Intraday, we arranged three orders before and after, and all of them perfectly took the short-term 1648嚸箜. There is nothing to say. The ideas are open. The root is just a matter of how much.

Midnight welfare 🧧 go for a wave, 3-5 benches, no threshold!

First wave:

(1) Bitcoin 62877 short, 62406 sell, get 👇471 points;

Second wave:

(1) Bitcoin 62710 short, 62147 sell, get 👇563 points;

Third wave:

(1) Bitcoin 62483 short, 61869 sell, get 👇614 points;

In the volatile market of Bitcoin, when we judge which side has the advantage, there is a very obvious signal, that is, the continuous downward movement of the support position and the downward movement of the pressure position. Obviously, the market in the past two days is a process of gradually falling from the high point. The rebound is more difficult. The center of gravity is moving downward, and the probability of falling is much greater than the rebound!

At present, according to the rhythm of the market operation, the overall situation is a volatile decline. In terms of operation, you only need to follow the trend. The rebound is an opportunity to short!

Wednesday midnight operation suggestions:

Bitcoin: Short-term rebound around 62800-63300, short position, target 61500, if it does not break, short position can be long once to see rebound.

Ether: Just follow the same thinking, hold the position well, and take good defense!

#BTC走势分析 #ETH #BTC