Summary of Tuesday and operation ideas in the early morning: Unwind ~ Go long!

If you treat the shock as a one-way shock, you may continue to be in the category of holding or being passive! After the pattern is confirmed, just switch back and forth around the range. We switch back and forth between short-term long and short positions, and eat 👇 short-term 3200嚸. It’s still good, and the ideas are 🈶 for everyone! The midnight ideas remain unchanged! This is picking up. This, the test is more about the attitude and mentality of human nature.

Midnight welfare 🧧 go for a wave, 3-5 benches, no threshold!

First wave:

(1) Bitcoin 63756 short, 62909 exit, get 👇847 points;

Second wave:

(1) Bitcoin 63382 long, 64187 exit, get 👇805 points;

Third wave:

(1) Bitcoin 64321 short, 63809 exit, get 👇512 points;

Fourth wave:

(1) Bitcoin 63975 short, 63439 exit, get 👇577 points;

Fifth wave:

(1) Bitcoin 63263 long, 63925 exit, get 👇662 points;

In yesterday's market, the shock zone was over-moved and there was not much movement. Whether it was Zuoduo or short, there should be room for it. The trend needs to be stuck in the point and range, or it is repeatedly detours. Today's support and pressure test sentiment is still stuck at two points, 64500 and 62800. Treat the current consolidation rhythm with the principle of not breaking the disadvantage!

Operation suggestions for Tuesday midnight:

Bitcoin: Short-term rebound around 62500-63000, you can buy more, the target is 64000, if it does not break, you can short sell once to see the retracement.

Ether: Just follow the same thinking, lock in the position, and take good defense!

This is a rule, the market is the same, it will not keep rising and falling, after the long and short forces have experienced repeated games, the final winner will accumulate energy to break through the shock zone. #BTC走势分析 #BTC #ETH