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It is strictly forbidden to engage in cryptocurrency full-time!!! It is strictly forbidden to engage in cryptocurrency full-time!!! It is strictly forbidden to engage in cryptocurrency full-time!!! I will say it three times for important things My friends in the social circle want to quit their jobs to engage in cryptocurrency. What do you think? Cult ideology? I don’t recommend it. Old Li knows that the economy is down, work is difficult, and the treatment is not good. Everyone wants to find a way to solve the problem of garage people in a short time. I agree. It is worth praising that he has not fallen down, but it is not recommended to quit his job to enter the cryptocurrency circle, and to move bricks. When U merchants move bricks, the risk is high, the return is low, the industry is volatile, and it is easy to enter. It is a very low cost-effective thing. Don’t do it. I won’t say much about how many U merchants have entered. Many of them are serious and use their own clean funds to do it. Why bother? I wrote an article before, discussing why not to be a full-time cryptocurrency investor In fact, the logic is very simple. The cryptocurrency industry is a controversial area in China. You can invest in it, but don't be a full-time investor. You must improve your ability to make money regularly. Only when you make money can you use the cryptocurrency industry as a financial lever to magnify your assets. Instead of being a full-time cryptocurrency investor, most cryptocurrency investors who make big money basically have their own main business, rather than focusing on the cryptocurrency industry full-time. On the contrary, if you stare at these scammers all day long, bragging, gambling, rising and falling, people will go crazy, get anxious, and have no confidence in the industry. If you are confused about the future, Lao Li recommends: 1. Do your current job well, maintain your income, and maintain a good attitude 2. Find your own interests, study for three years, and develop it into a career 3. Be down-to-earth and hoard coins, and wait for the bull market to ship them out The most important thing is Article 2. Remember, life needs planning. #AI板块强势进击 #BTC走势分析 #5月市场关键事件 #ETH #SOL I am Lao Li, a fresh goods blogger who is optimistic about the future of the cryptocurrency circle I am motivated to bring my fans to shore together. If you are interested, you can click on the avatar and follow I need fans, you need references

It is strictly forbidden to engage in cryptocurrency full-time!!!

It is strictly forbidden to engage in cryptocurrency full-time!!!

It is strictly forbidden to engage in cryptocurrency full-time!!!

I will say it three times for important things

My friends in the social circle want to quit their jobs to engage in cryptocurrency. What do you think?

Cult ideology? I don’t recommend it.

Old Li knows that the economy is down, work is difficult, and the treatment is not good. Everyone wants to find a way to solve the problem of garage people in a short time.

I agree.

It is worth praising that he has not fallen down, but it is not recommended to quit his job to enter the cryptocurrency circle, and to move bricks.

When U merchants move bricks, the risk is high, the return is low, the industry is volatile, and it is easy to enter. It is a very low cost-effective thing. Don’t do it.

I won’t say much about how many U merchants have entered. Many of them are serious and use their own clean funds to do it. Why bother?

I wrote an article before, discussing why not to be a full-time cryptocurrency investor

In fact, the logic is very simple. The cryptocurrency industry is a controversial area in China. You can invest in it, but don't be a full-time investor. You must improve your ability to make money regularly. Only when you make money can you use the cryptocurrency industry as a financial lever to magnify your assets.

Instead of being a full-time cryptocurrency investor, most cryptocurrency investors who make big money basically have their own main business, rather than focusing on the cryptocurrency industry full-time.

On the contrary, if you stare at these scammers all day long, bragging, gambling, rising and falling, people will go crazy, get anxious, and have no confidence in the industry.

If you are confused about the future, Lao Li recommends:

1. Do your current job well, maintain your income, and maintain a good attitude

2. Find your own interests, study for three years, and develop it into a career

3. Be down-to-earth and hoard coins, and wait for the bull market to ship them out

The most important thing is Article 2. Remember, life needs planning.

#AI板块强势进击 #BTC走势分析 #5月市场关键事件 #ETH #SOL

I am Lao Li, a fresh goods blogger who is optimistic about the future of the cryptocurrency circle

I am motivated to bring my fans to shore together. If you are interested, you can click on the avatar and follow

I need fans, you need references

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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BOME价格预测:即将暴跌20% 加密货币市场的领导者比特币价格继续徘徊在 62,500 美元附近,导致狗狗币、柴犬和 PEPE 等顶级模因币自本周初以来各自的投资组合出现显着调整。 另一方面,Solana 网络的网络拥堵已成为其区块链的一个主要问题,导致基于 Solana 的 memecoin 受到的影响最大,BOME 价格在过去一天内回调了约 10% 。 此外,Book Of Meme 价格在 0.0123 美元的阻力位多次遭到拒绝,表明此时该 memecoin 出现了强劲的清算。 交叉 EMA 50/200 日线在 1D 时间范围内记录了强烈的看跌价格情绪,其中 EMA 50 日线显示看跌收敛,凸显了本周该 memecoin 的负面前景。 技术指标 RSI 在图表中显示显着下降,凸显了加密货币领域抛售压力的增加。此外,平均值显示出看跌曲线,表明未来一段时间BOME 价格将出现负面价格走势。 如果市场出现看涨逆转,BOME 价格本周将重新测试 0.011060 美元的阻力位。此外,如果多头维持该价格,memecoin 将准备在未来一周测试其上方阻力位 0.0123 美元。 不利的是,如果空头继续压倒多头,价格将在看跌影响下交易并测试 0.0099 美元的支撑位。此外,如果市场情绪继续看跌,该 memecoin 本月将暴跌至 0.0086 美元的较低支撑位。 #Meme币你看好哪一个? #BTC走势分析 #Megadrop #ETH #BOME 我是老李,一个看好币圈未来的鲜货博主 励志带粉丝一起上岸,感兴趣的,可以点头像,关注 我需要粉丝,你需要参考
大学生炒币赚钱出金,被判1年…… 问我怎么看? 还咋看?蠢呗。。。 如果连币圈是啥,你在做啥,出金风险有啥,都还搞不清,拜托,别来币圈送人头,这有108种方式,让你缝纫机踩冒烟。 警察叔叔不会因为你是大学生,就给你打折,也不会因为你不懂,就网开一面。老粉都清楚,我老强调---风险,风险,风险,别等进了小黑屋,才记起老李的忠告。 至于币圈在国内属于什么状况,以及哪些行为可能进去,不多说,自己去看视频去...... 结合裙内讨论出金,聊几点: 1.别侥幸。出金100块,跟100w,被冻卡概率一样(一手黑资,冻结所有卡)。 2.只出一次金。关于安全出金,去看网上各大出金指南,认真阅读。次数越少,风险越低。个人建议,每个周期出金一次,因此闲钱投资。 3.保持低调。别告诉任何人,你有多少资产,尤其U商,至于为啥,不便多说。 4.多跟别人学习。毫不吹牛的说,当你真正去用心后,基本能避99%的坑。但,好多人都不听,导致到处踩坑。看来,的确如此,佛度有缘人..... 刚无聊,刷到个信息..... 说,某项目公布,空投快照后,链上活跃数据下跌了70%多。可见,币圈水,有多深? 铭文热度过后,链上活跃的任务,转到羊毛党身上了 新韭菜没入场,再卷卷,离疯牛还早。 #AI板块强势进击 #BTC走势分析 #5月市场关键事件 #ETH #SOL 我是老李,一个看好币圈未来的鲜货博主 励志带粉丝一起上岸,感兴趣的,可以点头像,关注 我需要粉丝,你需要参考
亏就亏,怕个毛!!! 粉丝想开公司并寻求合作伙伴,向我征询建议。我告诉他,如果你习惯性地承担所有风险而将利润让给他人,自然会有很多人愿意与你合作。 在币圈,情况不也是如此吗?许多人四处询问的根本原因,是他们不愿意承担风险,但最终却不得不面对所有风险。 看看币价的波动,不管是涨是跌,总有人会感到后悔...... 在2023年,我经常说币圈99%的项目都是片局,而比特币应该是主要投资。那时,他们认为比特币不会有太大涨幅,所以没有购买...... 到了2024年,我告诉他们要坚持持有山寨币,等待疯狂的牛市。他们仍然在后悔,后悔上个月没有在顶峰时卖出,去年没有购买比特币,前年没有进入币圈...... 后悔有什么用呢? 片子会把你的币还给你吗?或者你能要回你愚蠢地卖掉的币吗? 互联网培养了许多愚蠢的人。任何货币的起伏都是正常的,看到货币上涨,就恨不得跪谢项目方;一旦下跌就开始辱骂,这种愚蠢的行为真是可笑。 相比那些在合约中亏钱、土狗币归零却不抱怨、愿意接受输赢的人,那些整日沉浸在后悔中的人,无疑是弱者。 弱者往往没有自己的独立见解,几乎不学习,总是依靠打听所谓的内幕消息,听信新闻和吹牛来生活。 玩币没什么大不了的,怕什么,最坏的情况也不过是归零。 相反,如果因为几个百分点的涨跌就变得胆小,那么你一辈子都别想翻身。 要大胆一些,没什么大不了的,又不会死。 #AI板块强势进击 #BTC走势分析 #5月市场关键事件 #ETH #SOL 我是老李,一个看好币圈未来的鲜货博主 励志带粉丝一起上岸,感兴趣的,可以点头像,关注 我需要粉丝,你需要参考
币圈的水到底有多深? 小时候都读过,小马过河的故事,小马问河深不深,乌鸦说,很深很深,狐狸说,很深很深......过了河才知道,原来也就这么回事。问题只有问题,干才是答案。 学习就是把脑袋变成移动U盘,人走到哪知识跟到哪,成了个移动的图书馆。学习很容易,屯币很难,现在币圈,很多人把学习当成了奶头,用来治疗焦虑。但是,在币圈,普通人要想改变命运,光靠学习很难,尤其挣钱,你得屯币,这么简单的道理,很多人都没整明白......看来,路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索啊。 爱学,爱想的人好容易焦虑啊,我都这么爱学习了,我都学了这么多了,我该发财了吧?我都想的这么周密,想的这么完美了,应该能致富了吧?扯淡,要是想想就能成功,那哲学家应该是世界上最有钱的人,如果学习都能致富,我愿留级一辈子,永不离校......都说天下武功唯快不破,这不知道是哪个古代武林大忽悠割韭菜的话,真正功夫是以慢打快,三十年如一日的重复重复,方可练就绝世神功。 找几个好币,死磕它,一辈子不换,正如剑雨女主角那样,化身石桥,受那五百年风吹,五百年日晒,五百年雨淋,都不变....时刻杀气腾腾....死磕起来。 #AI板块强势进击  #BTC走势分析  #5月市场关键事件  #ETH  #SOL 我是老李,一个看好币圈未来的鲜货博主 励志带粉丝一起上岸,感兴趣的,可以点头像,关注 我需要粉丝,你需要参考
五一大回调是在倒车接人? 如果用倒车接人来形容这次的大回调,不是不行,但是这样感觉资本太过仁慈。 资本永远都不可能是仁慈的,因为考虑到一部分人没有上车,所以把币价砸下来,就是为了让大家上车,这样的说法和资本的本性是相违背的。 在资本市场上,筹码是带血的,你想轻轻松松的捡便宜的筹码,那是基本上不可能的。 资本市场就如同一只老虎,张开它那血盆大嘴,吞噬着那些弱小的散户。 这次回调那是必须的: 比特币ETF通过之后,市场涨的太猛,一下子就越过了前高,一路上涨,积累了很多的获利筹码,没有经历过一波像样的调整。 如果按照这样的涨法,比特币要破10万,15万,乃至20万的大关,就不容易了。车太重了,一边拉的同时,就会不断的有筹码下车。 这就造成了走两步,往回退一步,甚至退回原地。 怎么办? 洗洗更健康。 怎么洗?啥时洗? 最好的时机就是比特币减半的前夕。 因为谁都知道,四年一减半对币圈来说那是重大的利好。币圈每一轮的行情都和比特币减半相关联。 在大家都沉浸在利好中的时候,就是砸盘最好的时机。 资本的操作总是那么的反人性,也只有在反人性的操作中,能轻而易举的完成收割。 这个时候散户总是只有被收割的份,有赚了一点急着下车的,有一部分是硬扛着的,还有一部分是实在受不了,割了的。 当血流成河的时候,资本开始收集带血的筹码,收集够了,然后开始急速拉盘,让当初下车的人望尘莫及。 比特币终究会去到一个新的地方,开创一个新的高度。 区块的高度不断的创新高的同时,币价也会不断的刷新很多人的三观。 #AI板块强势进击 #BTC走势分析 #5月市场关键事件 #ETH #SOL 我是老李,一个看好币圈未来的鲜货博主 励志带粉丝一起上岸,感兴趣的,可以点头像,关注 我需要粉丝,你需要参考

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