
Why are novices often questioned when they first enter the cryptocurrency circle? Is Bitcoin really reliable?

Many novice friends who have just entered the cryptocurrency circle may have encountered such confusion: Why do friends, family and even strangers around you cast doubtful eyes when you mention Bitcoin, and even directly criticize you for being "crazy" or "brainwashed"? This kind of experience is actually not uncommon at all. Let me reveal the reasons behind it.

Imagine that when you first started to get involved in e-commerce, you stayed at home all day to study. People in the village may think that you are not doing your job and only know how to "live off your parents". But when you start to make money and can make 1,000 yuan a day, they start to doubt whether you are doing pyramid selling or selling fakes. This mentality is actually very common. People tend to be skeptical of unknown things.

Similarly, when you start to get involved in Bitcoin, people around you may have similar reactions. They will say: "Is this thing reliable? It won't be a liar, right?" Some people will even warn you: "Don't be fooled, this must be a leeks cut!" Do these words sound harsh? But in fact, they just don't understand or know Bitcoin.

As the price of Bitcoin rises, some people's attitudes may change from direct criticism to "I don't understand this, so I don't do it." They may think: "This must be the Americans cutting leeks, I won't be fooled!" But in fact, they are just afraid of missing opportunities, and at the same time they don't want to admit their ignorance.

Sometimes, you will see slogans about "Preventing the Risk of Virtual Currency Fraud" in banks or some public places. This may make you feel mixed and feel like an "outlier". But remember, your income is not recognized by these people, and your success does not require their affirmation.

So, dear newcomers in the currency circle, don't be affected by the doubts and criticisms of others. As long as you identify the Bitcoin industry and are optimistic about this career, you are already halfway to success! Remember, true success comes from inner firmness and confidence, not external recognition or denial. Let us work hard together in the currency circle to realize our wealth dreams!

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