Alarm bells ringing: GoPlus reveals the "dark forest" in the Ethereum second-layer network

In the vast universe of the digital world, the GoPlus team is like a group of fearless explorers, going deep into the "dark forest" of the Ethereum second-layer network. After three quarters of arduous journey, they finally revealed the hidden dangers in this unknown area - more than 560,000 digital currencies that may be at risk, they are like lurking beasts, threatening more than 13.6 million innocent user accounts.

With the surging wave of Web3.0, countless investors have poured into this new continent full of opportunities with dreams and enthusiasm. However, just as explorers in reality need to face unknown dangers, investors also have to be wary of the traps hidden behind the prosperity. Among them, the magical word meme coin has become a "cash cow" in the eyes of many scammers.

The GoPlus team is well aware of the existence of these risks. They use the advanced GoPlus Security API and real blockchain data to reveal the truth of these scams to investors. They found that these risky digital currencies are like time bombs that may explode at any time.

These discoveries made the GoPlus team deeply sad. They understand that every investor is a valuable asset of this new continent, and their dreams and enthusiasm should not be destroyed by these scams.

Through the data statistics and queries of the GoPlus Security API and DUNE platform, the GoPlus team conducted in-depth analysis and visualization of these suspected risky digital currencies. They hope to use these data to provide investors with intuitive references and warnings, so that they can more clearly understand the truth behind these digital currencies.

Faced with such a situation, GoPlus Network, as an open, permissionless and user-driven Web3 security platform, has taken on the responsibility of protecting investors. They use decentralized user security networks and advanced AI technology to provide users with in-depth risk analysis and efficient security services.

Let us follow the footsteps of the GoPlus team and uncover the "dark forest" in the Ethereum second-layer network, making the investment path safer and brighter!