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Ethereum cannot be established without breaking it, and Bitcoin can be established at the same time! --'s consensus is also a consensus, but the Babel Tower of Web3 can only be built by geniuses. In the long run, the current Ethereum-Bitcoin exchange rate may be the absolute bottom. The reasons are more worth pondering: 1. Bitcoin ETFs have exhausted their benefits, and Ethereum ETFs have just started 2. Bitcoin pseudo-innovation: The issuance of assets in the first layer of the Bitcoin ecosystem must rely on liquidity to enter the market, so there is a wave of Layer2 prosperity. Unfortunately, they are all pseudo-innovations based on MPC. Most of the truly reliable ones are still EVM-compatible. So a very funny situation has emerged. To save the Bitcoin ecosystem, Ethereum still has to rely on. 3. Ethereum's self-subversion: Ethereum gas fees are so low that they are outrageous. The important reason is that the second layer is gradually taking shape, and a large number of new projects appear in the second layer, or even the third layer. In the short term, this will inevitably affect the gas fee income of the first layer of Ethereum. But in the long run, the infrastructure of large-scale dapps has been built, and dapps that can bring in millions of users are emerging. 4. Chain and liquidity, web3 is indispensable. For the non-Turing-complete Bitcoin ecosystem, it is highly likely that it will not be achieved in one cycle to develop its own DeFi. If it can really be developed and is also EVM-compatible, then referring to the second point of this push, it is likely to be just a wedding dress for Ethereum. Without decentralized liquidity, there can be no decentralized applications; without decentralized applications, it is impossible to bring in large-scale users. So, BTC is still trying and clumsily doing what Ethereum has done in 2017. The Ethereum ecosystem has begun to really impact the top Internet applications. 5. The loss of geek culture has brought about the loss of developers. To build a ship, you need to arouse everyone's desire for the sea. While developers on the Ethereum ecosystem are constantly breaking the circle and challenging the Internet giants of web2, developers on Bitcoin are still arguing about how the inscription small picture can defeat Bayc. Yes, the consensus is also a consensus, but the Tower of Babel of web3 can only be built by geniuses. Most of us are mid curve, but it is better to be with them than to learn from geniuses. This is a personal value. I choose Ethereum Ecosystem! #ETH $ETH

Ethereum cannot be established without breaking it, and Bitcoin can be established at the same time!

--'s consensus is also a consensus, but the Babel Tower of Web3 can only be built by geniuses.

In the long run, the current Ethereum-Bitcoin exchange rate may be the absolute bottom. The reasons are more worth pondering:

1. Bitcoin ETFs have exhausted their benefits, and Ethereum ETFs have just started

2. Bitcoin pseudo-innovation:

The issuance of assets in the first layer of the Bitcoin ecosystem must rely on liquidity to enter the market, so there is a wave of Layer2 prosperity. Unfortunately, they are all pseudo-innovations based on MPC.

Most of the truly reliable ones are still EVM-compatible.

So a very funny situation has emerged. To save the Bitcoin ecosystem, Ethereum still has to rely on.

3. Ethereum's self-subversion: Ethereum gas fees are so low that they are outrageous. The important reason is that the second layer is gradually taking shape, and a large number of new projects appear in the second layer, or even the third layer.

In the short term, this will inevitably affect the gas fee income of the first layer of Ethereum.

But in the long run, the infrastructure of large-scale dapps has been built, and dapps that can bring in millions of users are emerging.

4. Chain and liquidity, web3 is indispensable. For the non-Turing-complete Bitcoin ecosystem, it is highly likely that it will not be achieved in one cycle to develop its own DeFi. If it can really be developed and is also EVM-compatible, then referring to the second point of this push, it is likely to be just a wedding dress for Ethereum.

Without decentralized liquidity, there can be no decentralized applications; without decentralized applications, it is impossible to bring in large-scale users.

So, BTC is still trying and clumsily doing what Ethereum has done in 2017. The Ethereum ecosystem has begun to really impact the top Internet applications.

5. The loss of geek culture has brought about the loss of developers.

To build a ship, you need to arouse everyone's desire for the sea.

While developers on the Ethereum ecosystem are constantly breaking the circle and challenging the Internet giants of web2, developers on Bitcoin are still arguing about how the inscription small picture can defeat Bayc.

Yes, the consensus is also a consensus, but the Tower of Babel of web3 can only be built by geniuses.

Most of us are mid curve, but it is better to be with them than to learn from geniuses. This is a personal value.

I choose Ethereum Ecosystem!


Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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如果看待web3? 毫无疑问,web3.0将会引领下一个牛市,要想吃到这波红利,就需要提前布局。 看看香港官方出面力挺web3.0,香港出面推动的意义是什么?大家用脚指头也能想出来,这里不细说。 千万不要听信一些人说这些都是概念没啥用,别人只是一张嘴,随便说,错过这波机会是你自己承担损失。 最好的方法就是自己去了解学习一下,从中找到入局投资的机会。 一下内容比较干,请仔细看: 一、什么是Web3.0? Web3.0,被视为互联网的下一个重要阶段,也被称为“语义网”或“智能网”。与Web1.0的“只读”互联网和Web2.0的“读写”互联网相比,Web3.0的互联网被定义为“可读可写可交互”互联网。 Web3.0的一个核心特征是其去中心化的性质。它摒弃了由中心服务器进行数据存储和处理的模式,转向使用区块链技术来实现数据的去中心化存储和处理。这种变化将使互联网变得更加民主,因为用户将能够对自己的数据拥有更多的控制权。 二、Web3.0有哪些关键特点? 1.去中心化 Web3.0的一个关键特点是去中心化,这意味着数据不再存储在中心服务器上,而是存储在一个去中心化的网络中。这将提高数据的安全性,防止数据被中心化服务提供商滥用。 2.用户控制数据 在Web3.0的世界中,用户将对自己的数据拥有完全的控制权。这意味着用户可以选择自己的数据如何被使用,而不是像Web2.0那样,数据被互联网公司收集并用于商业目的。 3.智能合约 Web3.0还将利用区块链技术的智能合约功能,实现自动执行的、无需信任的交易和应用程序。这将大大提高交易效率,降低交易成本。 三、Web3.0的前景 Web3.0将打开一扇通向未来的大门,它将给我们带来许多新的机会和挑战。 1.隐私权 在Web3.0的世界中,用户对自己的数据有更多的控制权,这将有助于保护用户的隐私权。然而,这也需要用户对自己的数据负有更大的责任,因为数据的安全性将更大程度上依赖于用户自己。 2.去中心化应 随着区块链技术的发展,我们将看到越来越多的去中心化应用(DApps)出现在我们的生活中。这些应用将改变我们的许多传统服务,比如金融服务、社交媒体、在线市场等。去中心化应用将使服务更加透明、公平,减少中间人的参与,从而降低成本和提高效率。 3.新的商业模式 Web3.0将催生出一些全新的商业模式。比如,通过代币经济,用户可以通过参与网络的建设和维护来获得奖励,从而激励更多的用户参与。此外,NFT(非同质化代币)已经在艺术、音乐、游戏等领域开创了全新的商业模式。 4.社会影响 Web3.0将对社会带来深远的影响。通过去中心化,我们可以构建一个更加公平、公正的社会,因为每个人都可以在网络中平等地参与和贡献。同时,Web3.0也将对我们的工作方式、学习方式、娱乐方式等带来改变。 Web3.0的发展也会带来一些挑战。 比如,如何保护用户的隐私和数据安全、如何防止网络被恶意利用、如何有效地管理和治理去中心化网络等。 总的来说,Web3.0是一个充满潜力的领域,它将给我们带来许多新的机会,同时也会带来一些挑战。对于我们来说,最重要的是理解和把握这个新的变化,以便我们能够在这个新的时代中找到自己的位置。 让我们一起期待Web3.0的到来,期待一个更加开放、公平、智能的未来互联网世界! 5.跨界整合 Web3.0将深度整合各种技术,如人工智能、物联网、区块链等,打破行业之间的边界。 例如,我们可以期待看到智能合约与物联网设备相结合,使得设备能自主完成交易,例如自动售货机在货物短缺时,可以自主与供应商完成交易,进行补货。 6.数据管理与所有权 在Web3.0中,数据所有权将回归到用户手中。这将使得数据的使用更加公平、透明,同时也为用户的隐私保护提供了保障。 这也意味着用户需要更加重视自己数据的安全,因为一旦数据失窃,可能会带来严重的后果。 7.身份验证 Web3.0将带来一种全新的身份验证方式。在这种方式下,用户可以使用一种全球统一的身份验证方式,而无需为每个应用创建新的账户。这将大大提高用户的便利性,同时也降低了身份盗窃的风险。 最后,一个明确的有光明未来的项目,一定值得你花时间去了解 未来已来,我们需要牢牢抓住。 #山寨币热点 #热门话题 $BTC

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