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Investment is the realization of cognition, cognition is the screening of information, information is the management of time, and time is the best compound interest. Money will eventually flow from people who are impatient to people who are calm, so most of the time, money will flow to people who are not short of money. Shenyu said: The currency circle is a compensation for personality and cognition, not a reward for effort A few basic cognitions: 1. Can you make a lot of money by technology? No, it depends on the market, or the big market, and the supporting trading system that can set goals, maintain mentality, and firmly implement rules during the ups and downs of the big market. 2. The larger the level of the market, the less it has to do with technology, the greater the tolerance for operation, and the money earned is all the money blown by the wind. At the same time, the higher the requirements for mentality, as long as you stop being greedy, it is the difference between making more and less money. 3. The smaller the level of the market, the higher the technical requirements, the smaller the tolerance for operation, the higher the transaction cost, and the more difficult it is to make money. The shock is the period when it is easiest to make a show of operation. 4. Trading profit and loss ratio, trading winning rate, and trading frequency, at most choose two of the three. 5. The core of trading is not how many times you have made the right trades, but how sure you are about this trade. Leverage is used to amplify profits. Don't trade if you are not sure. #BTC #ETH $BTC $ETH

Investment is the realization of cognition, cognition is the screening of information, information is the management of time, and time is the best compound interest.

Money will eventually flow from people who are impatient to people who are calm, so most of the time, money will flow to people who are not short of money.

Shenyu said: The currency circle is a compensation for personality and cognition, not a reward for effort

A few basic cognitions:

1. Can you make a lot of money by technology? No, it depends on the market, or the big market, and the supporting trading system that can set goals, maintain mentality, and firmly implement rules during the ups and downs of the big market.

2. The larger the level of the market, the less it has to do with technology, the greater the tolerance for operation, and the money earned is all the money blown by the wind. At the same time, the higher the requirements for mentality, as long as you stop being greedy, it is the difference between making more and less money.

3. The smaller the level of the market, the higher the technical requirements, the smaller the tolerance for operation, the higher the transaction cost, and the more difficult it is to make money. The shock is the period when it is easiest to make a show of operation.

4. Trading profit and loss ratio, trading winning rate, and trading frequency, at most choose two of the three.

5. The core of trading is not how many times you have made the right trades, but how sure you are about this trade. Leverage is used to amplify profits. Don't trade if you are not sure.


Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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2020 年走入社会的普通年轻人,一生不吃不喝大概能挣多少钱? 1000 万?2000 万?停止幻想吧。 这里不考虑货币贬值带来的数值变化,因为货币贬值的同时物价也在上涨,困难度是一样的甚至更甚。也注意这里讨论的是大陆普通人,刚毕业就几十万美元 package 的人中龙凤算法工程师不在此列。 假设一个普通人 22 岁开始工作,一直工作到 60 岁退休,工作 38 年,按大陆平均工资比较高的上海算,2023 年平均月薪是 12696 元,那就取整,算 13000。 悲观的预期: 一个月 1.3 万,一年是 15.6 万,工作 38 年,一共 592.8 万。 仿佛一辈子不吃不喝只能赚不到 600 万。 肯定有人会说,这么算不对,工资怎么可能不涨呢? 日本从 1989 年的 452.1 万日元到 2023 年的 414 万日元,还真的 35 年没有涨。 但没有问题,我们相信我们这一代人的命运是特殊的,城市化进程、土地财政、人口结构不会阻挡这一次的发展,up only,这次不一样。 乐观的预期: 每年工资涨幅 3% 来计算,第一年年薪 15.6 万,第二年 16.068 万,以此类推,到 60 岁时,大约累计是 1078 万。 但是这么算同样有问题,即使经济几十年不下滑,谁能保证个人职场又一帆风顺呢?况且工资涨幅到了一个数值就会到天花板,不可能再涨。 所以,这样算也不现实。 事实上,在中国,过了 35 之后再找工作就变得很难了,过了 45 之后如果失业基本就只能做保安了。 所以,600 万-1000 万之间 取个中间值,一个人普通国人的一生,靠打工,在不吃不喝的情况下,在上海这样的大城市,最多只能赚到 800 万左右。 知名网管日娃随手晒的一辆库里南,就是普通人一生不吃不喝才能赚到的钱。 没认真计算之前总觉得自己有无限可能,但当现实摆在面前的时候才意识到: 心比天高, 命比纸薄。 #BTC $BTC #ETH $ETH

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