It is very important to update my views on the market in real time as a work note‼ ️I am analyzing it as soon as possible‼ ️

In the past analysis, we took all the short positions from 4086 to 2888 in this round of plunge, and then we estimated that the lowest point of the first wave of strangling bulls was 2888, right? The precise lowest point was used to enter the market with a long order at 2888. Then we believe that after a rebound at 2888, that is, this wave rose to 3369, this rebound would hit a new low near 2688. However, in my review just now, I found that with the strengthening of the ETH/BTC exchange rate, the market may no longer fall to 2688, but form a double bottom and rise sharply near 2828, because the position of 2828 happens to be the Fibonacci retracement position of 0.786 since the start of this bull market in ETH. So if ETH cannot fall to the new low of 2688 in the next two days, then ETH can be regarded as a double bottom structure at 2828, waiting for the next round of surge. This is why I have not updated the article today. I am carefully confirming the general trend direction of this trend‼ ️#灰度GBTC资金流出趋势结束了吗? #美国4月非农就业人口增加不及预期 #BTC走势分析