Before the bull market crash, short orders entered the market at the highest point‼ ️Openly shorted when thousands of people were buying the bottom, and publicly predicted the lowest point to stop profit💰💰💰Profit exceeded 1.5 million😁😁

This wave is definitely my happiest transaction, happier than the previous wave from 4086 short orders 2888 backhand long🤩🤩Because this time I stopped profit directly at the lowest point, my obsessive-compulsive disorder, finally cured

Figure 1 below, you can see, the public 3482 and 3520 short orders entered the market, two consecutive highest points predicted entry

Figure 2 below, short orders entered on July 1 When the market was at 3500, it was roughly estimated to fall to 2600. This was the thousand-point prediction at 3500. Then, after the precise analysis the day before yesterday, the precise stop-profit position was issued again at 2790. Today's lowest pin was 2802😁, which is only 12 points away from the lowest point I predicted. What is the strength analysis of the market? It is to predict where the lowest point is when you short at the highest point. My friend has 210,000 U, and my account has 199,000 U. Take it😁😁😁
