Why not lead others to make money?

The market has been hot recently, and many friends who haven't contacted for a long time have come to ask me how to trade in coins, just like in March and April 2021. As an old bird who has experienced three rounds of bull and bear markets, I have only one piece of advice for them: it is highly likely that you will lose money if you enter the bull market, and it is not that easy to make money in the coin circle.

I will give another piece of advice to everyone in the circle: no matter how well you do, don't think about leading others to make money. No matter if this person is your good friend, good brother or even relative, it is 100 times harder to lead others to make money than to make money yourself.

For most inexperienced friends who ask me, I recommend them to invest in BTC. This is indeed the simplest and most likely way to make money in the coin circle. All you need is persistence and patience. But even with this simplest method, more than 95% of people can't do it.

The coin circle is not actually about investment, but about human nature. I would like to use this article to give some advice to friends in and outside the coin circle.

If you feel helpless and confused in trading, and want to learn more about the cryptocurrency world and get first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar to find me. Like, favorite, forward, comment, and leave a message.

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