Why do you grow so slowly?

Because you are always looking for a correct answer, you always want to make sure there is a result before taking action, instead of directly entering into the experience.

What is experience? Gains and losses, success and failure are all called experience.

Experience has nothing to do with results, gains and losses, success and failure. Losing is also gaining, and it is also a kind of experience and growth. And gaining will also lose, the happier you are when you gain, the more painful it is when you lose.

People live not for houses, cars, and money, because you can't bring them with you when you are born, and you can't take them with you when you die.

People live not for getting married and having children, that is just an experience of life, not the purpose of my life.

I live to experience everything that can be experienced in the world, to experience the ups and downs, the taste of life, and thus gain a kind of perception and growth. Enter with experience and exit with perception.

Only by trying and experiencing a lot can you find the track that shows your talent. After finding it, you need to be brave and diligent, attack saturation, and break through the right track.

The biggest obstacle to your development is not the lack of ability, but the lack of courage to try!

Because, deep down, you are always afraid of failure, worried about gains and losses, and dare not try, so fear blocks your way, while some roads are originally smooth.

Fear of failure is the biggest limitation of your life!

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