Let's count down the 8 opportunities to cross classes in China:

1. During the period of 1977-1979, China resumed the college entrance examination. In this opportunity, nearly one million people were admitted, and countless children from poor families successfully counterattacked!

2. During the period of 1984-1988 and 1992-1995, in this opportunity, the rise of township enterprises, countless farmers from agriculture to business, achieved counterattack!

3. During the period of 1984-1989, the dual-track system appeared. In this opportunity, countless "sellers" were born. They obtained goods at low prices and sold them at high prices to achieve counterattack!

4. In 1992, the Southern Speech, in this opportunity, the upsurge of going into business arose, and people in the system and intellectuals with a keen sense of smell went into business to achieve counterattack!

5. From 2002 to 2012, China joined the WTO. In this opportunity, the huge wave of resources brought by the WTO made most factory owners rich and achieved counterattack!

6. From 1998 to 2020, the real estate market was booming. In this opportunity, batches of speculators became rich and achieved a counterattack!

7. From 1999 to now, the Internet has emerged. In this opportunity, those who entered the market early have already become rich, such as e-commerce Xbao, short video delivery, etc. Early entrants have seized the early dividends and achieved a counterattack.

As the saying goes, standing on the wind, even pigs can fly! This is not a joke! It's just that opportunities are fleeting. If you enter the market late, the market has been saturated. If you enter again, the competition is so fierce, and how many people can survive?

I missed the above 8 opportunities that can easily cross the class.

It's 2024, and it's getting harder and harder to cross the class. If there is still an 8th opportunity for us young people to cross the class, I think Bitcoin is the only chance for us young people to achieve wealth freedom in the next 5-7 years!

Just this year, the US SEC approved 11 Bitcoin ETFs, which means that Bitcoin has achieved the first perfect contact between virtual assets and real traditional finance. As digital gold, Bitcoin is about to usher in an explosion in 24 years!

However, the encryption industry is still an emerging industry after all, and the knowledge involved is relatively large and complex. If you want to enter the currency circle, please be prepared to learn all the time and every minute! Don't fight an unprepared battle!

If you feel helpless and confused in trading at the moment, and want to learn more about the relevant knowledge and first-hand cutting-edge information of the cryptocurrency circle, click on the avatar to find me. Welcome to like, collect, forward, comment and leave a message

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