What can you do in this market?

1. Do risk-free tasks, be more Buddhist, don't make multiple accounts right away, make one first

2. List the projects that rose well during the bull market, and look at the logic of the rise, whether it is air or not, and figure out the agreements, concepts, and rankings that you don't understand. Even if you can't make money, you can use them to show off next time

3. List the projects where you lost money and summarize why you lost money

4. Deposit the remaining U into a current account for financial management, and it must be a current account, so as to avoid not covering the position or chasing high when the market comes (strategy page introduction)

5. Learn English, English is really important. I could jump one word at a time before, and communication was barrier-free, but now it feels more and more difficult, maybe there are more and more native English

6. Unfollow Biyuan and Welfare Ji, it's useless, these will only affect your wealth. Figure out whether you are here to make money or to care for the welfare girl

7. The last and most important point is to hold your wallet tightly and protect your bullets

How to layout, what varieties to layout, how to maximize the profit strategy, click

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