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In the financial game market, only a few people can make a profit. If you want to make money, you must be better than most people. This is very difficult. Don't underestimate the heroes of the world. I have seen many people who have tried their best. I have also seen many traders who have persisted for 10 or 20 years. I have seen many people with professional training trapped in certain traps. I have also seen many people who can't find a direction in this market at all. Everything is difficult, because only by surpassing most people can you make a profit. Therefore, for a trader, it must have all-round advantages. Insight is the core. People who can see through the essence at a glance have more advantages. They also need self-discipline. People who can better control their desires have more advantages. In addition, better stress resistance, risk awareness, dialectical thinking ability, etc. are all needed. It can be said that a person who can see the truth of speculation, go to the end and persist, his comprehensive quality must be better than that of ordinary people. The market is a mirror. All our shortcomings will be hit by the disordered K-line trend one day in the future, revealing our nature. As long as the trading behavior is deformed, the trading results will collapse. We are all ordinary people, and if we want to make a profit, we need to be able to switch to extraordinary people at any time. #ETH #香港加密货币ETF #ETH

In the financial game market, only a few people can make a profit. If you want to make money, you must be better than most people.

This is very difficult. Don't underestimate the heroes of the world. I have seen many people who have tried their best. I have also seen many traders who have persisted for 10 or 20 years. I have seen many people with professional training trapped in certain traps. I have also seen many people who can't find a direction in this market at all.

Everything is difficult, because only by surpassing most people can you make a profit. Therefore, for a trader, it must have all-round advantages.

Insight is the core. People who can see through the essence at a glance have more advantages. They also need self-discipline. People who can better control their desires have more advantages.

In addition, better stress resistance, risk awareness, dialectical thinking ability, etc. are all needed. It can be said that a person who can see the truth of speculation, go to the end and persist, his comprehensive quality must be better than that of ordinary people.

The market is a mirror. All our shortcomings will be hit by the disordered K-line trend one day in the future, revealing our nature. As long as the trading behavior is deformed, the trading results will collapse. We are all ordinary people, and if we want to make a profit, we need to be able to switch to extraordinary people at any time. #ETH #香港加密货币ETF #ETH

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各位商界名流,社会精英早上好,新的一周开始了,大饼周末围绕63k震荡整理,接下来是涨是跌?不啰嗦,直奔主题 1、随着低于预期的非农就业报告公布,重燃市场对美联储降息的预期,比特币重返6.3万美元上方。美国比特币现货ETF市场结束连续7天的资金流出,香港ETF的推出,继续助长了做多热情,市场亦出现了明显的资金流入。 2、美国劳工部周五(5月3日)公布的最新数据显示,4月份失业率意外上升,工资增长放缓,劳动力市场正在降温。 美国4月季调后非农就业人口录得增长17.5万人,增幅为2023年10月来新低,不及预期的24.3万人和前值30.3万人。 4月失业率意外升至3.9%,市场预期维持在3.8%不变;4月份的平均时薪环比增长0.2%,低于预期和前值0.3%。 3、对于我们一路持币至今的朋友,完全不必担心,接着奏乐接着舞,仓位保持在5成,做到进可攻退可守! 盘中行情走势瞬息万变,主力会根据市场参与者的事实状态而采取突然行动,在上涨趋势中,卖飞筹码是非常普遍的事情。所以当前情况下,以不变应万变才是上上之策! 4、一命二运三风水,牛人,不是会逆天改命,而是当“运”“势”来临时,你能够抓得住,能够看清!观点对没用,执行力才是你的安身立命之本! 5、大海航行靠舵手,币圈涨跌看大饼;牛市跌宕起伏,你得有仓位,行情走得很久很远,你要耐得住寂寞,拿得住,让利润一直奔跑。 最后,老九是人不是神,每天预判就如同走高空绳索,步步惊心!说对了是运气,说错了是水平,还请各位多多支持! 如果你认同我的观点,就点赞,关注,转发支持一下,谢谢!#BTC #ETH #美国4月非农就业人口增加不及预期
在市场连续三天拉升普涨后,一些人又在喊着要回落了、要下跌了。而更多的人却认为牛迷路了,找不到了!这几天的走势相当关键,接下来老九要说几句掏心窝子的话,空头会不会卷土重来? 经过近一个月的横盘整理后,大饼在4月的最后一天选择向下突破,一举跌破60k多头心里防线,最低下探56.5k后企稳回升! 也就是在这个时候,老九在小圈提示大家60k之下越跌越买,一大波朋友纷纷称赞老九的先见之明;不管是底部拿先手,还是重大事件,关键转折点风险的提示,以及信心的传递老九对大家都做到了以诚对待,毫无保留!这也是为何能在短时间内积聚大量人气的原因之所在。 整体来看,多头趋势并没有改变,不要随意去追涨杀跌就好,今天继续保持看涨的观点,63k附近震荡回踩一下后继续拉升。坚定持仓是王道,而现货价投是主线,结构性牛市依然在,板块轮动上涨是目前市场的主要特征。 当下需要通过各种方法、使用各种技巧来猎熊,很多优质山寨标的还处于底部初期;说一千道一万必须把熊赶走。人教人,人不信;事教人,一教就懂。赶走熊,牵来牛,信心自然就来了。所以那些还在看空的,不是根本看不懂市场、就是存心在使坏。 关于老九的逻辑有多硬,预判有多准,长期跟帖的朋友都是知道的!但这也没什么值得骄傲的,正所谓资本市场如战场,胜不骄败不馁,时刻保持敬畏之心!毕竟过去了的已经过去! 若5月份大饼如老九所言、到达80k甚至100k+的时候,大家再来拍手称赞也不迟。新来的朋友尽管留下关注的印记,其他交给时间,让我们一起拭目以待。 点赞,关注,转发是最大的支持!#ETH #BTC #BTC走势分析

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