If participating in the cryptocurrency market. Everyone knows that winning in the market comes from 3 factors: Capital management, trading psychology management and risk management.

* Take a small example, if you have $1,000 in hand, you use all $1,000 to enter an order. But the risk of your account is divided in 2, this will put you under great pressure on whether to hold the coin or not. The pressure will be even greater if this investment amount affects your life out there. In many cases, because we cannot bear to divide 2 or 3 accounts, it leads to cutting losses at the wrong time. And after cutting losses, the price increases again.

* But also in this case, you only use 1/10 of the capital, or $100, to enter a trading order. At this point, your trading psychology will be much more comfortable, because even if that order loses everything, you still have $900 to start again.

* => The lesson learned is that we should not use a large amount of capital to BUY ANY COIN/TOKEN. WHEN YOU BUY IT YOU CAN'T SLEEP WELL, you can only use a small amount of money and if you lose it, Go, your life can still be normal. And you should divide your capital into many small parts, so that if in a risky situation you lose, you can completely use the remaining money to continue fighting. “If you have money, you still have opportunity.”

* Experts cannot accurately determine the growth percentage as well as the investment risk. Investing in a new project can completely lose everything if that project is a scam.$SOL