Lao Cui: Bitcoin ETF is about to be listed, 70,000 can be seen on May 1st?

Many users still hope that Lao Cui will talk more about the market, especially the contract users are basically urging for updates every day. Similarly, most users are very confused about the fact that Lao Cui only talks about trends and not points. Normal thinking logic is presented to everyone from point to surface, so the form of Lao Cui's articles may test the understanding ability of most users. It is easier to understand standing on the top of the mountain to overlook the development of the entire situation. Contract users often use the current profit as the overall judgment standard, which is very limited. Therefore, Lao Cui's articles are actually more suitable for spot users to watch. The point problem is mostly due to platform restrictions, because Lao Cui posts on more than one posting platform, and there will still be other more strict positions. At the same time, Lao Cui will not change the review standards for a single platform, which is too energy-consuming.

Let's get back to the point. Today, we will analyze the contract users. Most of the friends are still relatively clear about the current trend. This article will teach you how to make contracts according to Lao Cui's trend. First of all, under the influence of the general environment, the trend of the bulls has been determined. In the short term, everyone will definitely not be able to see more. The current trend of Bitcoin is basically fluctuating around 65,000. Compared with the trend in early April, there is a significant change. At the beginning of the month, the market was centered around the 70,000 mark. At that time, Lao Cui also mentioned the trend. + The author shi9527111 said that as long as the 70,000 mark cannot be stabilized, the market will definitely go down. So far, no coin friends have read it from the beginning. Lao Cui's article format is basically that every article is very important. If you miss an article, it is easy to fall into the thinking of a single article. After determining the general direction, for us, it is definitely mainly short (for the previous trend). The competition for the 65,000 mark will also create the next round of trends. Contracts are different from spot trading in that the timeline can be extended to see the overall benefits. However, users of contracts are more tested in the short-term ordering form. Since the general direction has been determined, more orders must be centered around short orders, especially the exchange rate issue mentioned in the early stage. USDT that remains around 7.4 cannot have a large-scale explosive growth. This is what the article means.