But the theme of our article today may be very difficult for users in the cryptocurrency circle to understand. In fact, what Lao Cui wants to say is that with this role swap, almost none of us can accomplish what Lao Jia has done. Putting aside the point of foresight, being able to harvest capital is also a skill, especially in the face of the ridicule of opponents, even at the bottom of the valley, he still showed the demeanor of a gentleman, while his own employees have never complained or regretted. The dialogue between the two can be said to be completely judged at the level of pattern, especially Mr. Jia's touching words, Lao Cui also took notes, and it is indeed not our value to cheer for thieves, especially we (only on behalf of Lao Cui personally) should not mock the failure of original strugglers. We can enjoy the progress of these technologies, and we are undoubtedly stepping on the flesh and blood of countless pioneers.

Although he has failed (or may not have failed), his attitude towards failure is what Lao Cui wants to learn. This also reminds Lao Cui of what the poet Romain Rolland (the punctuation mark in the center will not be typed, if there are fans of Romain Rolland, I hope you don’t mind) once said that success is only temporary, but failure is the main theme. But how to face failure divides people into different levels. Some people will be defeated by failure, while others can keep getting up and moving forward. I think true maturity should not be the pursuit of perfection, but facing one's own shortcomings. This is the essence of life. There is only one kind of heroism in this world, that is to recognize the truth of life and still love it! This paragraph is also dedicated to everyone in the currency circle. Thank you very much for your recognition of the currency circle.

Many times, for users of the currency circle, they are very much pursuing the perfection of the results, and often ignore the original intention of entering the currency circle. Although many friends enter the currency circle for profit, users who aim at this basically lose all their money. The fundamental reason is that there is a lack of certain cognition of the operating logic of the currency circle. The second is mentality. Mentality is a very important factor for investors. Many people have broken their families because of a loss. Although Lao Cui sympathizes, he can only understand this matter from the perspective of causality.