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Do you know why there are so few hundred-fold coins in this year's bull market? Because the dog dealer has changed its routine. In the last bull market, the hundred-fold coin had a market value of only 10 million, and it only increased 100 times to 1 billion. Now in this bull market, the new coins launched are 10 billion or tens of billions of US dollars. They directly open high and go low to cut leeks and then release locked coins continuously. More and more dealers and institutions come in, and the dog dealer's routine is constantly upgraded. It's pitiful for retail investors in the market. When everyone buys new and not old, the dog dealer will directly launch coins with a market value of tens of billions of US dollars, and new coins will be launched every week or even every day, so you can't buy them all. From this decline, we can see that the funds in the market have withdrawn too much. Many new coins have fallen by about 50%. If the previously profitable ones are not sold, you will still lose money. Now the dog dealers are also smart, using high-dimensional attacks on retail investors and using retail investors' cognition to make money from retail investors, so everyone should be very cautious about new coins now. Those who get rich quickly are basically those who get more airdrops and haircuts in the primary market. On the other hand, there are very few excellent performances in the secondary market. It's not that there are no good coins, but most of them are relatively rubbish. So it is recommended that you focus on Bitcoin as the main and altcoins as the auxiliary. Every time the big cake drops by more than 10%, just buy it in batches. Don't go all in at once, and don't go all in on altcoins, unless you have enough understanding of the project party and know his subsequent plans and trading methods, otherwise the heavy position will be washed out sooner or later. If you are unlucky and go all in on air coins, you may not make money or even lose money in this wave of big bulls! #大盘走势 #BTC

Do you know why there are so few hundred-fold coins in this year's bull market?

Because the dog dealer has changed its routine. In the last bull market, the hundred-fold coin had a market value of only 10 million, and it only increased 100 times to 1 billion. Now in this bull market, the new coins launched are 10 billion or tens of billions of US dollars. They directly open high and go low to cut leeks and then release locked coins continuously. More and more dealers and institutions come in, and the dog dealer's routine is constantly upgraded. It's pitiful for retail investors in the market.

When everyone buys new and not old, the dog dealer will directly launch coins with a market value of tens of billions of US dollars, and new coins will be launched every week or even every day, so you can't buy them all. From this decline, we can see that the funds in the market have withdrawn too much. Many new coins have fallen by about 50%. If the previously profitable ones are not sold, you will still lose money.

Now the dog dealers are also smart, using high-dimensional attacks on retail investors and using retail investors' cognition to make money from retail investors, so everyone should be very cautious about new coins now. Those who get rich quickly are basically those who get more airdrops and haircuts in the primary market. On the other hand, there are very few excellent performances in the secondary market. It's not that there are no good coins, but most of them are relatively rubbish.

So it is recommended that you focus on Bitcoin as the main and altcoins as the auxiliary. Every time the big cake drops by more than 10%, just buy it in batches. Don't go all in at once, and don't go all in on altcoins, unless you have enough understanding of the project party and know his subsequent plans and trading methods, otherwise the heavy position will be washed out sooner or later. If you are unlucky and go all in on air coins, you may not make money or even lose money in this wave of big bulls! #大盘走势 #BTC

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晚上嘎嘎一顿下跌,各位美股交易员和港股交易员们不要担心,还有最后1个多小时,本月的下跌就结束了,5月开始新的下跌,一定要做好心理准备。 张老师27号下午发的推演就公开讲我个人看空了,提醒大家大饼接下来反弹所有现货该减仓的减仓该长空的长空,28号以太嘎嘎一顿猛涨差点打脸,没想到29号就不行了,和我一个朋友一样坚持不了多久。 每次大级别的回调我基本都有提醒,就唯独本月10号那天的大跌我是在西安旅游天天醉生梦死没有看盘忘记提醒,但是让大家山寨上车的几个盈利都有30+%,大饼6万让大家上车也都盈利10+%。 打开盘面大饼从去年10月份开始上涨到现在,月K7连阳,一直硬这谁受得了,所以下个月我个人依然看空,但是牛市还在,只是涨了太多需要回调,大家的fomo情绪也需要降温。下跌基本上都是震荡式,跌到大级别都会有所反弹,合约的话多空都可以,但是盈利的要记得做好移动止损或者保本损,不要贪都可以赚钱。 现货的话我还会继续等,我那个房子贷款400多万预计大饼到4.5w附近我才会分批入场,如果到不了4.5w我也会上车,记得关注我,到时候我上车会喊,希望大家能听的见,一起上车做家人! 同时提醒兄弟们这轮下跌个人建议50%的仓位持有比特币,剩下的资金再去配置自己看好的币种。不要想着山寨涨的会多猛多猛,猛也是昙花一现,跌的时候跌幅超过大饼,大饼赚不赚钱我不知道,兄弟们心中自有答案,但是比山寨抗跌是事实,并且山寨这玩意很上头,涨了还想赚更多,最后被套的人比比皆是!#大盘走势 #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
【2024.4.30 BTC/ETH 日内+本周行情分析】 本周几个事情大家要留意一下:(1)香港证监会批准的6支比特币和以太坊ETF4.30号在港交所上市。(2)5月2日,美联储将召开货币政策会议,会后鲍威尔讲话。(3)5月3日,超重磅非农数据公布。 鲍威尔讲话和数据发布之前,就怕市场恐慌引起市场下跌。币圈能不能扭转颓势,要看5月3号发布的非农数据!高于预期利空,还要防守6万,低于预期利好,将挑战前高 ,如果数据发布前有大跌,再抄底部分仓位 ,因为这个影响是非对称的,盈亏比合适 !#大盘走势 今天把周K的分析给大家补上,比特币本周日线空方周线回调,本周留意65230这个位置,如果站稳此位置,周线回调结束进入多头,上方压力位/目标先看66100-67220这2个位置附近。站不上去的话下方支撑位看62250-59600这2个位置附近。 以太周线已经回调好几周,日线级别反弹,反弹压力位留意3315-3366-3405这几个位置附近,本周只有站稳3405上方,周线回调结束进入多头,反弹不上去的话下方支撑留意3105-3063这2个位置附近 日内行情走势分析: 大饼昨晚冲了一下日线压力位64560附近就下来,说明目前看空的人数比较多,当下1/2小时级别回调4小时反弹,回调留意63000这个位置,跌破的话4小时反弹结束进入空方,下方支撑位留意62420-61750-61000这几个位置附近。 只要不跌破63000,4小时还在反弹小级别可能还会上去,上方压力位看63733-64265-74700这几个位置附近#BTC 以太当下所有小级别都在空方,今天留意留意3170这个位置,跌破的话日线反弹结束进入空方,下方支撑位留意3147-3114-3091这几个位置。 如果一直在3171附近徘徊,日线和4小时级别横盘区震荡,小级别反弹上方压力位看3210-3250这2个位置附近#ETH
晚上大饼以太走势分析: 白天出海钓鱼几乎没怎么看手机,今天的行情分析现在给大家补上,大饼以太今天又走弱了,27号推演明确讲了大饼反弹现货减仓,28号推演再次讲了我自己的观点,当天基本上都涨了一些,并且还是以太带头领涨,其他山寨多少都跟涨了一些。 也不知道兄弟们现货减仓了没有,信我的应该都减仓了吧,不信那我也没办法了,韭菜的心理就是涨了一点感觉自己又行了,跌了就要死不活要不要割肉,那我告诉你接下来要迎接周线级别的回调,你的仓位还受得了嘛?#大盘走势 大饼日线昨天就已经进入空方,昨晚推演也讲了站不上63355的话4小时反弹结束要开始下跌。目前大饼4小时级别来看是第四波下跌之后的底部横盘,晚上反弹看上方压力位62680-62875-63150这几个位置附近。如果反弹站上63150上方的话,4小时的第四波下跌结束将会迎来新的一波反弹。 如果晚上反弹1小时收线站不上62325上方的话,说明反弹很弱,行情大概率还要继续下跌,下方先留意白天插针前低,跌破的话下方支撑在61900-61000-59640-58650这几个位置附近#BTC 以太昨天前天反弹比较强势,今天跌破了日线支撑转空了,目前4小时级别也进入空方,晚上反弹看上方压力位3177-3205-3230-3250这几个压力位附近,如果反弹站上3250上方的话,4小时又重新站上多方。 如果晚上反弹1小时收线站不上3172的话,说明以太反弹很弱,行情大概率还要继续下跌,下方留意白天插针前低,跌破的话下方支撑在3092-3064-3025-2980这几个位置附近#ETH

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