1. If a relative is seriously ill and hospitalized and needs money, you can lend less, but don’t lend no money.

2. When someone treats you to a meal, it is best to arrive 5 minutes late.

3. When buying a house, don’t choose one that is too close to the road.

4. It is best not to go into a beauty salon that is still open at 3 a.m.

5. Women should not take advantage of the opposite sex. The reason why he lets you take advantage of him is actually that he also wants to take advantage of you.

6. The bigger the crucian carp is, the less delicious it tastes. This is the lesson learned by many people who have experienced it.

7. Don’t meet people online. It’s too dangerous, for both men and women.

8. The closer relatives are to each other, the more losses they suffer.

9. Mind your own business, as it is useless.

10. Whether you are borrowing money or repaying money, if you don’t do it well, you will easily make enemies.

11. Men, don’t put tissues at the head of your bed.

12. For dinners with the AA system, you must understand that you can only pay and cannot give up. For 98 yuan, remember to transfer 100 yuan.

13. When friends invite you to dinner, don’t play with your phone at the table.

14. When asking a friend’s wife for help, you should go directly to the friend, not his wife.

15. When a woman wears a short skirt, she should not sit in the passenger seat of a car.

16. There are three things you shouldn’t do in a hotel: don’t turn off the toilet light, don’t sleep naked, and don’t use the hotel’s cups.

17. 90% of people are just passers-by in life, there is no need to be too serious.

18. Don’t set yourself up as a “good person” in front of your relatives, otherwise you will run into a lot of trouble.

19. When you argue with others, you are the first one to get angry.

20. If you want to move up, you must understand that “don’t touch the interests of those above you, and don’t step on the bottom line of those below you.”

21. Don’t be open-hearted with anyone. Keep 30% of yourself hidden. Others will respect you more if they don’t understand you.

22. Don’t care too much about face. It’s you who cares, not others. Others don’t have the time for that.

23. Don’t buy a bright red pillow, it’s really bad.

24. After marriage, brothers and sisters are relatives, and the distance of a bowl of water is very important.

25. When you go to the hospital, don’t post on your Moments.

26. If you find someone who teaches you how to make money through part-time job, block him/her immediately. If you chat with him/her one more sentence, the probability of being cheated will double.

27. It is best not to take a driving test together with friends for fear of causing harm.

28. After drinking, talk less. Talking too much will cause more trouble.

29. Don’t make friends with people who work in nightclubs. It is easy for them to change your three views.

30. When giving a gift, you should think of a reason in advance that the other person cannot refuse.

31. The more expensive the gift, the harder it is to handle the matter.

32. For important things, you should know how to do them half an hour in advance.

33. There are three things you should avoid when making a phone call: don’t lie down, don’t do it in front of acquaintances, and don’t cry about being poor.

34. It is best not to put tissues on your desk.

35. If there is no relative to host, don’t go traveling together. 36. A sexless marriage will not last long.

37. You can complain in other people’s homes, but don’t shed tears in other people’s homes.

38. Never ask for leave using the excuse that a family member is sick. That is no different from cursing yourself.

39. The person who makes you wait for a long time will often not choose you in the end.

40. When chatting with others, there are four things you should not talk about: money, love history, income, and savings.

41. Don’t help others if you haven’t done your own things well. That’s not flattering, that’s humiliating.

42. If you want to understand a person, look at his friends first. 43. Don’t delete friends actively. It’s awkward to ask them to add you back when you have something to do.

44. Don’t offend the company’s receptionist. Although she has a small position, she has great power.

45. After helping others, no matter how uncomfortable you feel, don’t complain. Otherwise, the friendship is gone and others will still look down on you.

46. ​​Be sure to give your children pocket money so that they don’t become inner poor.

47. If you take the wrong path, you can take it again, but if you say the wrong thing, the relationship can never go back to the way it was before.

48. In front of the leader, you should adapt to him, not he to you.

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