I am right, you are smart, and sooner or later you will understand that I am right

At the end of 2022, I seemed like a madman telling all my friends to buy Bitcoin, and some even said that I was engaged in pyramid schemes. When I could pick up money on the ground, I still tried to let more people around me pick it up, but almost no one believed me, but a few people with particularly good relationships bought it. I don’t know if my friends around me will remember that when Bitcoin was 16,000, I had called for loans and sold houses to buy BTC many years later.

I entered the currency circle in 2017, and I have completely experienced two complete Bitcoin cycles. At the end of 22, when Bitcoin was 16,000 US dollars, I was very sure that this must be the bottom area. If it fell, there might be a 20-50% drop, but if it rose, there would definitely be a 1000% increase. Since I just bought a house in October 2022, I have already bought all the money I have on hand to buy Bitcoin at the bottom, but I haven’t reached the amount I want to buy. So December 31st happened to be a Sunday, and I went to the bank to apply for a loan. Since I had a mortgage at the time and the balance of my provident fund account was all withdrawn, the bank loan was not approved, so I could only borrow all the money I could from Meituan, Alipay, and Douyin to buy the bottom of BTC. Since there was still some money in the stock market at that time (the main position was Gree Electric Appliances), I sold stocks and invested in Bitcoin throughout 23 years. I invested in Bitcoin below 50,000 US dollars for more than a year, and stopped investing when it exceeded 50,000 US dollars.

Now the price is 66,000. Looking back at the 16,000 Bitcoin at the end of 22, it is really "a light boat has passed thousands of mountains."