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I came into contact with the cryptocurrency circle in 2016. At that time, I asked people around me to buy Bitcoin, but no one believed me and said I was a liar. As a result, in 2017, they regretted seeing that I made money and kept asking how much I made. Around 2018, Bitcoin fell sharply, and these people became analysis masters as if they were possessed, saying that they had long seen that this thing was a Ponzi scheme. In 2021, Bitcoin gods descended to earth, and the former analysis masters changed their faces again, asking me if I still had coins in my hands. 22 years later, watching Bitcoin falling all the way, they worried that Bitcoin would return to zero, and in the end no one bought it. Starting at the end of 2023, Bitcoin rose from 3WU to 4WU, and they said they would wait until 3W before buying, but 4WU rose to 5WU. They said they would buy at 4W, but in a blink of an eye it reached 6W, and they said the price was too high and they dared not buy. Time waits for no one. Bitcoin broke a new high and rose to 70,000. Finally, some people took action. As a result, after several callbacks, some people cut their losses and exited the market, while others made a small profit and stopped holding. Without exception, they no longer held. In fact, what they want is to buy 10,000 today and turn it into 1 million tomorrow. Is it possible? Dream on. If you also want to dig deep in the currency circle and maximize your investment income, but you can't recognize the market, then no matter how good the opportunity is, it has nothing to do with you. Follow Lao Huang on the homepage. The circle will share spot codes for free every day, bull market layout strategies, and 100-fold potential coins! #比特币减半 #大盘走势 $BTC $ETH

I came into contact with the cryptocurrency circle in 2016. At that time, I asked people around me to buy Bitcoin, but no one believed me and said I was a liar.

As a result, in 2017, they regretted seeing that I made money and kept asking how much I made.

Around 2018, Bitcoin fell sharply, and these people became analysis masters as if they were possessed, saying that they had long seen that this thing was a Ponzi scheme.

In 2021, Bitcoin gods descended to earth, and the former analysis masters changed their faces again, asking me if I still had coins in my hands.

22 years later, watching Bitcoin falling all the way, they worried that Bitcoin would return to zero, and in the end no one bought it.

Starting at the end of 2023, Bitcoin rose from 3WU to 4WU, and they said they would wait until 3W before buying, but 4WU rose to 5WU.

They said they would buy at 4W, but in a blink of an eye it reached 6W, and they said the price was too high and they dared not buy.

Time waits for no one. Bitcoin broke a new high and rose to 70,000. Finally, some people took action. As a result, after several callbacks, some people cut their losses and exited the market, while others made a small profit and stopped holding. Without exception, they no longer held.

In fact, what they want is to buy 10,000 today and turn it into 1 million tomorrow. Is it possible? Dream on.

If you also want to dig deep in the currency circle and maximize your investment income, but you can't recognize the market, then no matter how good the opportunity is, it has nothing to do with you. Follow Lao Huang on the homepage. The circle will share spot codes for free every day, bull market layout strategies, and 100-fold potential coins!

#比特币减半 #大盘走势 $BTC $ETH

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币圈94事件 韭菜们波澜壮阔的血泪史 大家都听说过币圈94事件,都知道94跌的非常狠,但实际上最狠的是915,915那天 是94的最后一击,就这一击,无数的人再一次倾家荡产了! 2017年9月4日,七部委联合发布即明确禁止任何代币发行融资活动,所有ICO代币cex都需要在月底前清理关闭交易。 此文一出,山寨币们 开始了下跌之路 很多山寨币排队归零,几倍 几倍的跌,很多山寨币交易所甚至选择直接关闭。 虽然没了ico等于自断一臂 但当时的三大cex根本没有ico,只有btc、ltc、eth、etc、bch 这5个币种可以交易,都不是ico,所以只要三大cex还在运营,大家依旧相信这个行业的明天会很美好。 直到2017年9月14日这天,比特币突然开始暴跌,然后在各个渠道都有传闻说 国内将要彻底清退所有cex,包括三大所。 比特币在这一天从3900刀跌到3200刀,跌幅达17% 9月15日下午,北京互金整治小组约谈各虚拟货币平台负责人,要求各交易平台在当晚发布公告,明确停止所有虚拟货币交易的最终时间,立即停止新用户注册;并制定无风险清理清退方案。 此公告一出,所有的投资者疯了一样卖出自己的虚拟币,大家都觉得这个市场完了、这个圈子没有希望了,纷纷卖币提现,生怕卖晚了 币全都归零了。 各大交易所的负责人和国内管理层举行紧急会议,会议结果将于晚上9点左右公布,但外部一致预测,会议结果非常不乐观。 比特币也从下午开始一路暴跌,从3250刀跌至2950刀 莱特币更是一根针 直接腰斩 直到晚上9点 公告发布:将于10月31日前,依次逐步停止所有数字资产交易业务,请用户及时处理所有资产。 巨大的利空突然落地 结果所有的虚拟币不但止跌,并且瞬间暴涨 比特币从2950刀直接拉到了3700刀 莱特币更是几乎翻倍 韭菜们懵了,明明是巨大利空,明明已经把币提光了 甚至是做空了,怎么突然来这么一手? - 915之后,由于大家已经把场内的币卖光了,提空了,并且不能再次入金购买了,所以导致场内剩余的币 突然成了抢手货,很多人甚至溢价20% 甚至30%都买不到。 因为大家手中都没有币了,所以 真正的牛市才刚刚开始! 也是从这一天开始 比特币的十倍之路,山寨币的百倍之路 慢慢的展现出来。 而因为牛市而真正赚到钱的 却寥寥无几! 币圈是一个极度极度反人性的地方,有时你以为的利空,其实是利好,而你以为的利好,却是实实在在的利空,因为赚钱的 永远只是小部分。 #香港加密货币ETF #BTC $BTC
币圈朋友看过来,今日重要新闻大事件! 1、关注BTC和ETH的月线K收盘 如果收了一根大阴线,5月份大概率还要往下探底,大盘往下跌,山寨可能二次 三次探底。 2、香港开放比特币和以太坊ETF交易 这将为加密货币市场注入新的活力。如果流入进来的资金量足够庞大,将有助于BTC/ETH拉盘,甚至可能引发蝴蝶效应,提高美国通过以太坊现货ETF的概率。这将为加密货币市场带来更多的投资机会,吸引更多的投资者进入市场。 3、美国对𝙘𝙯的判决 首先,关于美国对CZ的判决,虽然被判3年监禁的概率最大,但我们仍希望他能无罪释放,或者只被罚点款轻判。毕竟,CZ作为加密货币领域的重量级人物,他的判决结果将对整个行业产生深远的影响。如果CZ被判重刑,将无疑给整个加密货币市场带来不小的震动。而如果他能够轻判或者无罪释放,将有助于稳定市场情绪,促进加密货币市场的健康发展。 4、Samourai Wallet联创Keonne Rodriguez对洗钱指控不认罪 Samourai Wallet联合创始人Keonne Rodriguez周一对其洗钱相关指控表示不认罪。Rodriguez以100万美元保释金获释,他的下一次听证会将于5月14日举行。 5、FTX债务人与破产公司Voyager Digital达成4.5亿美元和解协议 6、MicroStrategy在4月份购买了122枚BTC 该公司目前总共持有214,400枚比特币,总价值为75.4亿美元,即每枚代币35,180美元, 7、TD Cowen:美SEC不太可能在2025年之前批准现货以太坊ETF 投资银行TD Cowen表示,预计Consensys和美国SEC之间的法律斗争将持续数年时间,他们仍然认为美国SEC不太可能在2025年之前批准现货以太坊ETF。 8、EigenLayer公布代币空投计划 EigenLayer公布代币空投计划,其中15%分配给质押者。EigenLayer代币在发布时的总供应量为16.7亿枚,基金会已将45%的代币分配给其社区。其中质押空投(15%)、社区计划(15%)和生态系统开发(15%)。 此外,29.5%的代币已分配给投资者,而早期贡献者将获得25.5%。投资者和早期贡献者的分配总锁定期为三年。第一年涉及完全锁定,随后两年内以每月4%的速度逐步释放。 9、比特币现货ETF交易量数据如下: 贝莱德IBIT 7.58亿美元,灰度GBTC 2.52亿美元, 富达FBTC2.15亿美元,ProShares BITO1.57亿美元,ARKB 7768万美元,BITB 4169万美元。(PANews) #BTC #ETH #大盘走势 $BTC $ETH

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