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How many people have entered the cryptocurrency world, a land full of mystery and temptation, with dreams, eager to become rich by speculating in cryptocurrency. However, the cryptocurrency world is not a smooth road, but full of thorns and traps. As an old driver who has been working in the cryptocurrency world for ten years, I would like to share some of my own experiences and observations. First of all, I would like to emphasize that cryptocurrency speculation is not the only way to become rich, or even the safest way. In the cryptocurrency world, there are many other ways to make money, such as mining, participating in primary market investment, etc. These methods often require more patience and expertise, but their returns are often more stable and considerable. Take my personal experience as an example. I mined Ethereum (ETH) through graphics card mining in 2017, and in April this year, I bought pepe in the primary market. These experiences have made me deeply realize that the real way to make money in the cryptocurrency world is often because we have more extensive and more accurate information than others. And those who rely solely on exchanges to speculate in cryptocurrency often just blindly follow the trend and eventually become the leeks of the market. In fact, cryptocurrency speculation and contract trading are only relatively low threshold and accuracy methods in the cryptocurrency world. This method is often difficult for ordinary people to grasp the secrets. Spot trading seems simple, but it is slow to make money and is easily affected by market fluctuations; while contract trading is very risky and may lose all your money if you are not careful. Therefore, for most people, currency speculation is not a shortcut to wealth. So, how can ordinary people find their own way to wealth in the currency circle? I think it is a good choice to pay attention to and participate in various activities in the currency circle. For example, we can swipe the interactive tasks of zks to get airdrops and accumulate a certain amount of initial funds in this way. At the same time, we can also try to create multiple wallet accounts to get more benefits from possible airdrop activities in the future. To succeed in the currency circle, we also need to continue to learn and improve our professional quality. We need to understand the characteristics of various currencies, market trends, policies and regulations, etc., in order to make more wise investment decisions. In addition, we also need to remain calm and rational, not be affected by short-term market fluctuations, and stick to our investment strategies and principles. The cryptocurrency world is a place full of opportunities and challenges. Only those who have enough patience and expertise can move forward steadily in this vast ocean and realize their dreams of wealth. Those who rely solely on cryptocurrency speculation and contract trading are often just passers-by in the market and find it difficult to achieve real success. Therefore, we should explore the path to wealth in the cryptocurrency world with a more open and inclusive attitude, constantly learn and improve ourselves, and ultimately realize our dreams of wealth Ambush potential coins in advance, how to layout, what varieties to layout, how to maximize the benefits, see my homepage introduction. #今日市场观点 #Megadrop #比特币减半 #sui $BTC $ETH $BNB

How many people have entered the cryptocurrency world, a land full of mystery and temptation, with dreams, eager to become rich by speculating in cryptocurrency. However, the cryptocurrency world is not a smooth road, but full of thorns and traps. As an old driver who has been working in the cryptocurrency world for ten years, I would like to share some of my own experiences and observations.

First of all, I would like to emphasize that cryptocurrency speculation is not the only way to become rich, or even the safest way. In the cryptocurrency world, there are many other ways to make money, such as mining, participating in primary market investment, etc. These methods often require more patience and expertise, but their returns are often more stable and considerable.

Take my personal experience as an example. I mined Ethereum (ETH) through graphics card mining in 2017, and in April this year, I bought pepe in the primary market. These experiences have made me deeply realize that the real way to make money in the cryptocurrency world is often because we have more extensive and more accurate information than others. And those who rely solely on exchanges to speculate in cryptocurrency often just blindly follow the trend and eventually become the leeks of the market.

In fact, cryptocurrency speculation and contract trading are only relatively low threshold and accuracy methods in the cryptocurrency world. This method is often difficult for ordinary people to grasp the secrets. Spot trading seems simple, but it is slow to make money and is easily affected by market fluctuations; while contract trading is very risky and may lose all your money if you are not careful. Therefore, for most people, currency speculation is not a shortcut to wealth.

So, how can ordinary people find their own way to wealth in the currency circle? I think it is a good choice to pay attention to and participate in various activities in the currency circle. For example, we can swipe the interactive tasks of zks to get airdrops and accumulate a certain amount of initial funds in this way. At the same time, we can also try to create multiple wallet accounts to get more benefits from possible airdrop activities in the future.

To succeed in the currency circle, we also need to continue to learn and improve our professional quality. We need to understand the characteristics of various currencies, market trends, policies and regulations, etc., in order to make more wise investment decisions. In addition, we also need to remain calm and rational, not be affected by short-term market fluctuations, and stick to our investment strategies and principles.

The cryptocurrency world is a place full of opportunities and challenges. Only those who have enough patience and expertise can move forward steadily in this vast ocean and realize their dreams of wealth. Those who rely solely on cryptocurrency speculation and contract trading are often just passers-by in the market and find it difficult to achieve real success. Therefore, we should explore the path to wealth in the cryptocurrency world with a more open and inclusive attitude, constantly learn and improve ourselves, and ultimately realize our dreams of wealth

Ambush potential coins in advance, how to layout, what varieties to layout, how to maximize the benefits, see my homepage introduction.

#今日市场观点 #Megadrop #比特币减半 #sui


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现货操作,是盯准一支币梭哈全部或者大部分仓位(方式1),还是应该对几支币平均分配仓位(方式2)?孰优孰劣? 大部分人肯定条件反射认为平均分配仓位相当于分散风险,方式2优于方式1。 其实,这两种操作技术性风险系数是一样的。怎么理解? 1. 方式1如果亏损的话,就是100%亏损。 而盈利系数却不能保证100%,再怎么盯准也有滑铁卢的时候,然而肯定的是,盈利系数较大,可以视为80%。 2. 方式2如果盈利的话,如果60%的盈利系数,那么亏损则占40%。 技术性风险系数为盈利系数减去亏损系数的绝对值,经计算方式1及方式2的技术性风险系数均为20%,答案是一致的。 那么方式1及2本质的不同到底表现在哪方面? 除去时间成本,除去技术面外,心态面是支配操作的唯一关键点。 平均分配仓位,总给人一种留有后路的感觉,东方不亮西方亮。而用大部分或全部仓位梭哈一支的操作,需要有一颗强大的内心。 而心态往往成为掌控盈亏的关键点。 心态不平稳淡定者,跌一点就害怕止损,那么原来有80%盈利机会会瞬间转变为亏损100%。这类型散户则更适合平均分配仓位。 而心态平稳者,无论仓位如何分配,总能笑看风云。 如果当下的你,在交易方面感到无助、迷茫、 想了解更多币圈的相关知识和一手的前沿资讯,点点头像介绍找到我。欢迎点赞、收藏、转发、评论、留言 #美联储何时降息? #5月市场关键事件 #比特币现货ETF持续淨流出 #Megadrop #BTC下跌分析
很多人问:你为啥不讲合约?合约不是赚的更多吗? 今天给大家讲讲,什么是币圈合约,合约需要注意的点在哪里,以及为啥不讲合约!!! 1、什么是币圈合约: 合约分为永续合约与交割合约! 主要区别在于:永续合约没有到期日或结算日!交割合约则会有一个期限,到期会自动进行平仓结算!基本上小散户玩永续合约较多! 合约分为全仓模式和逐仓模式! 主要区别在于:全仓模式下,保证金都是共享的,只要一个单子扛不住爆了,就啥也没了!逐仓模式下,每个仓位保证金都是单独成立的,互相不受影响,爆也只是爆一部分!(总之爆仓才是合约的归宿) 合约还分为币本位合约和U本位合约! 主要区别在于:一个赚的是U一个赚的是币,建议做多你就使用币本位去操作,做空你就使用U本位!上涨赚币,下跌赚U 合约最简单的理解用大白话来说就是扩大你的资金倍数,加上杠杆你的盈利或者亏损都将放大,两个字概括就是:刺激! 2、合约需要注意的点在哪里? 一、不要抗单,设置好止盈止损!不要想着自己资金多,能抗住很大的回撤,你要知道单次爆仓几千万在币圈也是很常见的,有一种力量叫做插针! 二、尽量不要让合约单过夜,过夜前最好平仓或者设置好止盈止损!避免第二天起来悔不当初! 三、大资金尽量选择大的交易所去做单,避免后期赚了提不出来!不要去贪图那一点点便宜的手续费,小交易所盯上的是你的本金! 四、合约选择币种前看一下合约的成交量,如果没啥量就不要玩小币种, 避免后期造成单子平不掉! 五、合约如果亏了,那就认了吧,如果合约你短期内赚钱了,就提现屯现货,币圈还是现货为主,哪怕是后面合约亏了,你也还有东山再起的本金! 3、为啥不带合约? 1、合约带单需要长时间盯盘、看行情,平时事情挺多的不能实时关注短期行情涨跌! 2、现在的行情处于币圈牛市,行情好了,其实现货的收益率不一定比合约低! 3、老粉丝应该懂的!这里就不过多阐述! 币圈最后成功的肯定是那一批玩现货的人,或者说的那一批合约赚了屯现货的人!!有些东西你得经历过才会懂,是真心不建议自己玩合约,如果真想玩可以找一个靠谱的KOL带你玩!在币圈普通散户很难赚到钱,不经历几轮牛熊你的认知是无法提升的!牛市已经来了,你还打算自己研究可能就会错过这一波牛市! 一个人可以走的很快,但是跟我们一起可以走的很远!如果你不会筛选强势币,那么建议你关注我。略微出手可能就是你们的极限,机会很短,一定要把握!成功不是靠运气,选择大于努力,圈子决定命运,在币圈除了有省时度势的火眼金睛,还得跟上一个好的团队,好的领路人,关注我你在币圈就已经成功了一半! 如果当下的你,在交易方面感到无助、迷茫、 想了解更多币圈的相关知识和一手的前沿资讯,点点头像介绍找到我。欢迎点赞、收藏、转发、评论、留言 #美联储何时降息? #4月非农数据即将公布 #以太坊ETF批准预期 $BTC $ETH $BNB
五一假期,幣圈这两天的行情就像在做过山车 前天比特幣最低跌到56000美金,不少幣友都开始出现: 比特币后续看到52000美金,50000美金的声音。 然后此时,比特币已经又来到了6万附近徘徊 很多人空仓的人永远都在后悔中,下跌时总是期待,再跌一点我 就买,这其中反应出两个投资者最容易犯的两大问题: 第一、贪婪,总是期待抄到更低的价格,是一种内心贪婪的体现,贪没有错,但过贪就会导致自己走向深渊 投资追求的是长期稳定获得盈利,并不是单次要赚的最多,追求单次要赚到最多,那么可能10次中能有一次如愿,但可能错过9次机会。反之每次都在相对的底部位置入场,有合理的回报空间即可,那么显然,10次机会都抓住,一定比只抓住一次错失9次,赚的更多。 第二、看不懂盘面,为什么看到跌了,就会认为盘面还会继续跌,核心在于看不懂盘面。 在下跌的行情中,重点是要会判断什么时候止跌,不会让自己过早抄底,抄在半山腰,也不会止跌了自己还在傻等着继续跌,从而错失机会。 行情永远不会一直跌,也不会一直涨! 看懂什么时候行情见顶了,我们就该出货,行情止跌了,就可以抄底,这才是投资赚钱的原因。 为什么很多人会亏钱?就是因为看不懂,在错误的地方入场,行情跌到位了又割肉,一来一回,反复亏钱 所以看懂盘面在表达什么,是每个投资者的必修课! 在前天凌晨的文章中,比特币当时还没跌破60000美金, K神博文写过: 比特币破6万是有可能的,但并不能代表什么。 今天看似的下跌,没准明天一根阳线又回来了,这波行情,事实已经得到验证。 但如果内心是不客观的,只是一味的期待上涨或下跌,想要行情按照自己的臆想去走,无视盘面的真实走势,那么在牛的技术分析,也帮不了你。 如果当下的你,在交易方面感到无助、迷茫、 想了解更多币圈的相关知识和一手的前沿资讯,点点头像介绍找到我。欢迎点赞、收藏、转发、评论、留言 #美联储何时降息? #5月市场关键事件 #比特币现货ETF持续淨流出 #Meme币你看好哪一个? $BTC

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