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The six short-term essences of short-term trading with a success rate of more than 90% of super-line transactions are the best way to make small funds bigger: 1. Principles of currency selection Look for opportunities in popular strong coins, and continue to make short-term rapid profits with strong coins. Completely abandon trending unpopular coins, first look at the next hot concept sector, and then choose coins with an increase of more than 7%. This is the main force that has been saved. Stand on the shoulders of giants to see the world, don’t be afraid of floating clouds blocking your eyes, follow the hot funds, and trend breakthroughs are king 2. Trading cycle Short-term holding of coins will arrive on the same day, stop profit 4% to 6%, stop loss 2%, the essence of short-term appears short, time is the biggest cost opportunity of funds, it must be as fast, accurate, and ruthless as guerrilla warfare, and you can’t fight 3. Trend is king Don’t buy because the price is high, and don’t buy because the price is low. There are many rising trends and no bottom for falling. Never decide because of the high or low price Determine the direction of buying and selling. This is a psychological barrier that must be overcome. Those who are afraid of heights are miserable. 4. Position management The bottom position is controlled at 20% to 30%. If the market direction is consistent in the future, gradually increase the position, and the increase ratio is getting smaller and smaller. The position control is large at the bottom and small at the top, like a pyramid, then your average position price will be lower than the market price. The pattern determines the mentality. 5. Moving average indicator The 10-day moving average is the main trading line, which can also be said to be the main cost line. When the currency price falls back and does not fall below the 10-day moving average, it is the best time to get on the bus. 6. Insist on reviewing Keep a detailed market record, take out all the transaction orders and write down all the details of each loss transaction, including transaction date, transaction code, opening price, closing price, transaction reason, precautions, etc., study and analyze each failed decision, and find out the same mistakes that are repeated many times. Summary of mistakes, such as entering the market too early, being too nervous, holding for too long, and having too large a position, etc. Ambush potential coins in advance, how to layout, what varieties to layout, and how to maximize the profit strategy, see my homepage introduction. #今日市场观点 #Megadrop #比特币减半 $BTC $ETH $BNB

The six short-term essences of short-term trading with a success rate of more than 90% of super-line transactions are the best way to make small funds bigger:

1. Principles of currency selection

Look for opportunities in popular strong coins, and continue to make short-term rapid profits with strong coins. Completely abandon trending unpopular coins, first look at the next hot concept sector, and then choose coins with an increase of more than 7%. This is the main force that has been saved. Stand on the shoulders of giants to see the world, don’t be afraid of floating clouds blocking your eyes, follow the hot funds, and trend breakthroughs are king

2. Trading cycle

Short-term holding of coins will arrive on the same day, stop profit 4% to 6%, stop loss 2%, the essence of short-term appears short, time is the biggest cost opportunity of funds, it must be as fast, accurate, and ruthless as guerrilla warfare, and you can’t fight

3. Trend is king

Don’t buy because the price is high, and don’t buy because the price is low. There are many rising trends and no bottom for falling. Never decide because of the high or low price Determine the direction of buying and selling. This is a psychological barrier that must be overcome. Those who are afraid of heights are miserable.

4. Position management

The bottom position is controlled at 20% to 30%. If the market direction is consistent in the future, gradually increase the position, and the increase ratio is getting smaller and smaller. The position control is large at the bottom and small at the top, like a pyramid, then your average position price will be lower than the market price. The pattern determines the mentality.

5. Moving average indicator

The 10-day moving average is the main trading line, which can also be said to be the main cost line. When the currency price falls back and does not fall below the 10-day moving average, it is the best time to get on the bus.

6. Insist on reviewing

Keep a detailed market record, take out all the transaction orders and write down all the details of each loss transaction, including transaction date, transaction code, opening price, closing price, transaction reason, precautions, etc., study and analyze each failed decision, and find out the same mistakes that are repeated many times. Summary of mistakes, such as entering the market too early, being too nervous, holding for too long, and having too large a position, etc.

Ambush potential coins in advance, how to layout, what varieties to layout, and how to maximize the profit strategy, see my homepage introduction.

#今日市场观点 #Megadrop #比特币减半


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如何在币圈赚到第一个一百万? 1.本金多少? 2.多少时间? 3.能接受归零? 在回答你问题之前,你先回答我的问题 币圈挣100w,对有的人而言很简单,有的人很难。 今天我要告诉你:币圈挣钱没那么容易 网络上币圈,人人暴富,事实上都是诈骗,忽悠新人接盘呢 哈哈哈哈哈,笑死人了,你真以为币圈挣钱那么容易啊???? 币圈托儿所:我要挣1000w,我要买百倍币,我想暴富,别跟我扯什么技术,信息,认知,我都不要听,我只想发财。 币圈幼儿园:我要日赚10000+,我只想赚大钱,别的不要和我哔哔那么多!老子杀进币圈,就是为了赚钱的。 币圈小学:我不求多,日赚1000+总不过分吧,别的不要和我讲,老子要求已经很低了,你还想怎样? 看似捡钱的币圈,亏钱才是常态.....不亏就是大爷,还100w?? 看了一圈回答,都在给你推荐这币,那币 写各种鸡汤故事,告诉你,能翻多少多少倍,盈利多少多少 实话告诉你,都是忽悠你接盘,真能挣这么多?凭什么要带你? 币圈挣钱从来都不容易,何况你还是小白??? 在讲币圈之前,不得不承认,也必须正视的是: 币圈,99%的大佬都是忽悠 炒币,99%的韭菜都是亏钱 币市,99%的项目都是骗局 币坑,99%的信息都没意义 币圈大涨时,周围人纷纷询问你的成功秘籍,其实昨晚合约刚爆,心情不可描述。常见,看似捡钱的牛市,其实亏钱的人可能更多,原因多种多样,结果都是亏。 以为进来捡钱的人大都亏得血本无归,你看到的挣钱故事都是人家设计的桥段,诚然,挣钱的人不少,但是需要具备的素质一点不能少。任何市场都符合28法则,挣钱的永远是少数,这才符合规律,同理,没有一定积累想挣钱也是不现实的。 很多人对币圈的误解来之以及,自媒体吹动,项目方炒作,合约大神表演,短线牛人带单,朋友圈晒的都是截图,其实稍微有点常识的人都会避而远之,有这么容易,庄还挣啥钱? 如果你准备好了输光,进来!大开大合,大舍大得,在乎交易手续费的人势必不适合这个市场,一天涨跌超过50%,你真受不了 币圈,熬夜,折磨,痛苦,周围人的不理解,熊市的恐慌,只有经历过才懂,外表看到的光鲜,其实都是背后这一轮轮捶打换来的。 拿撸羊毛举例,很多人只看到人家撸了一个亿,人家花多少功夫研究?投入多少成本?等等,你想过吗?这个圈子,任何一分钱来得都不是那么简单,你大可以说,某某脑瓜子不如我,可还是挣到了,对,这个市场,太聪明的人一样很难挣钱,他们相信自己,喜欢抄底,爱好合约,无视周期,疯狂交易。 乱花渐欲迷人眼,浅草才能没马蹄,凡事看本质,你不会这么容易被表象迷惑,自然,你也不会输得这么惨,沉下心,研究什么是挖矿,什么是区块链,什么又是defi,远比迷信大佬靠谱。 提前埋伏潜力币,点点头像介绍找到我。欢迎点赞、收藏、转发、评论、留言 #反诈小贴士 #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #新币挖矿
今年何以被誉为大牛市?让我们细细品味其中的奥妙。 首先,美联储降息与放水,这无疑如春雨滋润大 地,为市场带来了前所未有的活力。那些曾束缚于 传统投资渠道的巨额美金,如今如潮水般涌入币 圈,寻找新的增长点。它们的到来,无疑为币圈注入了新的血液,也预示着市场即将迎来一场盛大的狂欢。 再者,币圈历经两年的熊市洗礼,那些曾经的机 构、矿工和散户,或许曾饱受煎熬,但如今,这一切都是庄家大佬们眼中的“低价宝藏”。他们在熊市中捡拾着被遗弃的筹码,期待着在即将到来的牛市中大放异彩。 别忘了,2024年比特币产量减半,这无疑是币圈的一次重大事件。它像是一个神秘的信号,吸引着无数人的目光。人们开始寻找各种理由来支持比特币的购买,而减半则成为了一个无法忽视的理由。它让人们看到了比特币的稀缺性,也看到了它未来的增值空间。 最后,我们不能忽视的是币圈的共识。当大家都认为24年的牛市即将到来时,这种共识就像是一种强大的力量,推动着市场不断向前。人们开始做出与牛市相关的操作,市场的热度也因此不断攀升。 因此,今年的大牛市并非空穴来风,而是有着深厚的市场基础和广泛的共识支撑。它是一场期待已久的盛宴,也是一次充满机遇的冒险。让我们共同期待这场盛宴的到来,期待在其中能够收获满满。 提前埋伏潜力币,点点头像介绍找到我。欢迎点赞、收藏、转发、评论、留言 #新币挖矿 #反诈小贴士 #比特币减半 #大盘走势

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