April 19, 2024 Grandpa checks in

BN is going to launch the Megadrop platform recently. I believe everyone knows that this platform is actually a mechanism for distributing airdrop tokens according to points. Since this year, the model of distributing tokens through points has been recognized by many projects and gradually evolved into a new paradigm. BN's actions often represent a model in the industry. Therefore, this model of distributing tokens will be recognized by more projects in the future, and I have repeatedly recommended that you have time to go deep into the early interactions of the project.

Merlin is launched tonight, and it adopts a points system. However, this point system is mainly linked to the assets of the cross-chain. This time, the airdrop rewards are relatively large, and the rate of return for early participation is still very good. From this point of view, this point system is very important for the cold start of the project. Merlin, a project with the slogan of Btc L2, has basically succeeded. From this point of view, this year is a bit like a year of concentrated outbreak of L2. Whether it is a project driven by capital or a project started by the community, the market value is very high, but to be honest, I really think there is not much innovation.

How will the market go next? Judging from the trend of BTC, this bull market has not yet ended, and it is more like a retracement. In fact, in this round of rising process, we have been expecting a retracement of more than 20%, but it has never happened. This is the only time. As long as BTC does not effectively fall below 60,000, it can be treated as a retracement. More importantly, other altcoins and mainstream coins have fallen to a position with a high cost-effectiveness. If you dared to buy before, but now you don’t buy, that is definitely wrong.

Of course, there are risks at any time. What I value is the cost-effectiveness. If the cost-effectiveness is reached, it is acceptable to bear certain risks. In general, although I have always emphasized that the market will fall back and fluctuate widely (which actually happened), I also want to emphasize that 70,000 BTC and 4,000 ETH are by no means the highest points of this bull market. Under the premise of the big bull market, as long as our cost control is reasonable, we can boldly hold positions. If the market dares to plummet and fall back, we must dare to increase our positions.

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