May 17, 2024 Grandpa checks in

The US stock market has been going crazy these past two days. If you think that all players in the stock market are law-abiding players under supervision, you are totally wrong. Faraday Future, the company founded by Jia Yueting, who fled to the US to build cars with his money, has seen its share price rise dozens of times from a low of $0.038 to $2.35, giving it a meme-like feel.

If you think that people who buy Faraday Future at the bottom will get rich, you may be wrong. The K-line price shows that Faraday Future doubled from the opening price of 2,000 to 4,980 US dollars, and the lowest price increased by two decimal points. Even if the ex-rights are taken into account, the decline is ridiculously low. This decline is probably comparable to that of Luna in the past. And in this process, I wonder how many dream players who buy at the bottom have died in the US stock market.

It is said that the world is a huge makeshift team. Stock players should not look down on the rampant copycats in the B circle. At least for us, we know it is a copycat when we buy it and are prepared to return to zero. On the contrary, how can the legal and compliant US stocks return to zero? However, the actual situation is to add a few decimal points to you. If you firmly believe that US stocks are value investments, the final result can be imagined.

In terms of market conditions, Bitcoin hit a resistance at 66,000, and after a short-term rebound, Ethereum also reached 3,000. In my opinion, the price of Ethereum at this position is very cost-effective, and you can buy more during this period of volatility. The market does not have the conditions for a short-term surge, and whether Bitcoin can rebound is the key to boosting market confidence. Therefore, if it falls below 66,000, the downward trend is still formed, and the copycats should pay attention to the risks.

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