Latest! Israel has informed the United States in advance that it will launch an attack, and Iran is on the highest level of combat readiness

Iranian Foreign Minister warns Israel

On the 18th local time, according to CNN, Iranian Foreign Minister Abdullahyan said in an interview that if Israel takes risky actions again and harms Iran's interests, Iran will immediately respond to the greatest extent.

Iran suspends flights to Tehran and Isfahan airports

According to Iran's Fars News Agency on the 19th, explosions were heard near Isfahan Airport and Shekari Air Force Base. According to Qatar's Al Jazeera TV on the 19th, Iran's aviation department announced a temporary suspension of flights to Tehran and Isfahan airports.

Israel launched a military strike on 7 targets in Iran

According to Lebanese media reports, there are reports that Iranian air defense forces intercepted about 5 targets over Isfahan. The explosion occurred over Isfahan and there was no explosion on the ground. According to US media reports, the Israeli army launched a military strike on 7 targets in Iran.

Iran says nuclear facilities are in a safe state

According to Iran's state television on the 19th, the explosions heard in many places across Iran are from Iran's air defense system intercepting suspicious drone targets. The nuclear facilities in Isfahan Province are currently in a safe state.

Israeli media said that all Iranian bases

are at the highest level of combat readiness

According to the latest report by the Israeli Times, citing the Israeli Army Radio, when Israel launched an attack on Iran, some senior security officials of the country were at the Kiryat Military Headquarters in Tel Aviv. In addition, media under the Israeli Defense Forces reported that the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps of Iran has announced that all its bases are in the highest level of combat readiness.

US media said that Israel had informed the United States in advance

Israel launched a military strike against Iran and other multinational targets. US media said that Israel had informed the United States in advance that it would launch an attack. $BTC $ETH $SOL