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The market has been really up and down recently, and everyone is looking for opportunities to buy at the bottom. Come, let me talk to you about which coins are worth looking at now. 1. Although the SOL coin was a bit shaky due to the FTX incident before, its powerful Memecoin ecosystem, cheap transaction costs, and continuous progress make it still quite popular in the market. It is still a long way from its high point of $200. If you seize the opportunity to buy it, it should still be a good opportunity. 2. PENDLE, ENA, and ETHFI related to Restaking are good value for money in the field of Restaking. They provide a way out for Ethereum's big players and institutions, and also give small retail investors an opportunity. In the long run, regardless of whether the news of Ethereum spot ETF is good or bad, they may continue to rise. 3. ONDO and MKR in the RWA track, these two coins are bridges connecting the real world and virtual assets, and are now the leaders in this field.#ONDOhas a partnership with BlackRock Fund, and MKR is an old DeFi that has been repurchasing, so these two are also worth paying attention to. 4.#WLDand#AGIXin the AI ​​track. Although there are many bubbles in the AI ​​field now, there is great potential in the future and it is worth watching. WLD's price has now adjusted, but as the leader of AI coins, it is still worth considering. The name AGIX sounds like it has the potential for hype. It focuses on decentralized AI platforms, which is in line with the trends of AI and Web3, and is also a good choice. 5. SLERF, #BOME, and DEGEN in the Memecoin track. These Memecoins have performed well in this cycle. SLERF has locked LP and a deflationary economic model, and market expectations are increasing. BOME is a big Memecoin in the SOL ecosystem. It is cheaper than other projects and has a high cost-effectiveness. DEGEN is based on Fracaster's social ecology and Degen Chain's Layer 3 ecology. It is both an incentive token and a native gas, and has great room for growth. In short, although the market is unstable, there are always opportunities. Everyone should keep their eyes open and seize the opportunity! #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #SOL🔥🔥🔥🔥 #Meme I am the God of Wealth! Click on the pinned homepage and you will find the exclusive bull market strategy deployment, which is only shared with my fans for free! Seize this bull market and let your wealth soar like a rocket and become a winner in life!

The market has been really up and down recently, and everyone is looking for opportunities to buy at the bottom. Come, let me talk to you about which coins are worth looking at now.

1. Although the SOL coin was a bit shaky due to the FTX incident before, its powerful Memecoin ecosystem, cheap transaction costs, and continuous progress make it still quite popular in the market. It is still a long way from its high point of $200. If you seize the opportunity to buy it, it should still be a good opportunity.

2. PENDLE, ENA, and ETHFI related to Restaking are good value for money in the field of Restaking. They provide a way out for Ethereum's big players and institutions, and also give small retail investors an opportunity. In the long run, regardless of whether the news of Ethereum spot ETF is good or bad, they may continue to rise.

3. ONDO and MKR in the RWA track, these two coins are bridges connecting the real world and virtual assets, and are now the leaders in this field.#ONDOhas a partnership with BlackRock Fund, and MKR is an old DeFi that has been repurchasing, so these two are also worth paying attention to.

4.#WLDand#AGIXin the AI ​​track. Although there are many bubbles in the AI ​​field now, there is great potential in the future and it is worth watching. WLD's price has now adjusted, but as the leader of AI coins, it is still worth considering. The name AGIX sounds like it has the potential for hype. It focuses on decentralized AI platforms, which is in line with the trends of AI and Web3, and is also a good choice.

5. SLERF, #BOME, and DEGEN in the Memecoin track. These Memecoins have performed well in this cycle. SLERF has locked LP and a deflationary economic model, and market expectations are increasing. BOME is a big Memecoin in the SOL ecosystem. It is cheaper than other projects and has a high cost-effectiveness. DEGEN is based on Fracaster's social ecology and Degen Chain's Layer 3 ecology. It is both an incentive token and a native gas, and has great room for growth.

In short, although the market is unstable, there are always opportunities. Everyone should keep their eyes open and seize the opportunity!

#比特币减半 #大盘走势 #SOL🔥🔥🔥🔥 #Meme

I am the God of Wealth! Click on the pinned homepage and you will find the exclusive bull market strategy deployment, which is only shared with my fans for free! Seize this bull market and let your wealth soar like a rocket and become a winner in life!

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有多少人拥有1个比特币,请听我慢慢道来! 先上结论:目前2024年全球约4.2亿币圈用户,约有150万人拥有超过1个比特币,仅占币圈用户的0.36%。 众所周知,比特币总量为2100万,目前已挖出93.32%的比特币,数量约为:1959万。 还有6.68%的比特币(141万)将在未来一百多年里缓慢挖出,直到2140年,2100万比特币将全部挖完,届时矿工得到的奖励就不再有区块奖励,只有用户链上交易的手续费。 而这已挖出的1959万比特币里,竟然约有600万已经遗失!什么叫遗失?就是曾经拥有这600万比特币的人群,忘记了私钥,或者硬件钱包灭失,导致这600万比特币再也没有人能够对其进行任何操作,也没有人能够恢复。这样就只剩下1359万比特币能够在市场上流通,那么至多有1359万人拥有1个比特币,人均1个,这很好理解吧! 但现实没有那么简单,因为财富会聚集在少数人手中,我们查阅链上信息可知,1.94%的钱包地址,掌握了92.76%的比特币,这些钱包地址数量总计为:1,020,070个,即102万个。 但102万这个数字,仍然不能作为最后结论,因为一个人可以持有很多钱包地址,并且某些持有巨量比特币的地址,是交易所和各种金融机构的冷钱包,这些钱包里的比特币是众多用户共同所有的。因为金融机构基本上只为大户服务,这些大户寥寥无几,我们先分析一下,交易所里持有超过1个比特币的用户数量。 目前各交易所总共持有约189万个,那么交易所里,至多有189万个人拥有1个比特币,这只是理论数字,实际上比这少得多。对于这189万个比特币,我们粗暴地使用二八定律:交易所里80%的散户只拥有189万的20%,189×20 % ≈37.9 万。 那么散户拥有1个比特币的人数,一定比37.8万人少(散户人均1个)。在二八定律下,大户和散户的人数比例为1:4,那么大户的数量就是37.8万的1/4,即9.45万,大户人均16个。37.8+9.45=47.25万人。 那么交易所里拥有超过1个比特币的用户数量,约为47.25万人。 假设链上地址和交易所用户不重合(实际上重合的可能性很大),那么拥有1个比特币以上的人就是:102+47.25=149.25,我们把金融机构、打包进其他公链的比特币考虑进来,可以保守地说,拥有超过1个比特币的人约150万,仅占币圈4.2亿用户的0.36%。在币圈也可以说是凤毛麟角了! #BTC走势分析 $BTC #新币挖矿
为什么有人说比特币能涨到100万一枚? 我13年买BTC的时候1000一个,然后15年涨了一点就卖了,因为当时国内政策已经是清退交易所了。拿到现在就是500倍,这是得拿十年才能做到的,反正我肯定是做不到。 除非很早期,几块钱一个的时候买入,拿到现在几十万倍。现在买BTC我敢肯定是不适合想要暴富的普通人上车了。看看这两年的波动,也就是四五倍的波动,A股里有这波动的股票也是大把的,现在才堪堪超过21年的高点,已经涨不动了,为啥,因为肉眼可见的没人接盘,要不是老美上了ETF带来了增量资金,这波就起不来,你看吧又快到挥镰刀的时候了。 某乎上一个个说的自己多么的理想主义,信仰自由持有比特币的,有一个算一个都特么是为了赚钱。但是BTC暴富已经没机会了,尤其是普通人,进去玩合约就是赌,还不如去澳门。 你说不加杠杆就屯币,那你确定要在这个价位买入???21年冲进去的那波人可是三年才解套啊,想尝尝被套牢的滋味? 还有人说什么会涨到一亿美元一枚的,我真的是服了这帮人的想象力,那BTC市值就有2000万亿了,现在全球GDP一年才200万亿美元,你想想可能嘛。现在这个价位再涨一倍,到15万一枚就顶天了,15万美元一枚就是人民币100万一枚,所以我觉得有可能可以涨到。 如果你不会筛选强势币,想要了解更多犀利操作策略?提前埋伏哪些潜力币?那么建议你关注我。并通过主页联系财神。一对一给您们仓位做分析。记住,机会总是留给有准备的人。 #BTC走势分析 $BTC #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
教你怎样在这个市场赚100w? 1、准备好10-20w,全部换成u,放进币安。然后每月买一份,就像定投一样,10-20万分成50份,每月雷打不动地买。大饼占25%,ETH占25%,BNB占25%,SOL占25%。然后,你就去忙你的,别老盯着看。过个三五年,等你回头一看,哟呵,100万已经稳稳在兜里了!这路子简单又稳妥,谁也别想跟你抢食。 2、再来条技术流的: 撸空投、干白名单、弄打新,这些都得你精通编程,玩转远程服务器,英语溜得飞起,还得有一手消息来源,能批量操作。你就是币圈的科学家,用知识和技术为自己打造财富。不过,这条路得你不断学习,磨练技能,一旦成了,那收益可是杠杠的! 3、最后,来条拼运气的:👇🏻 在牛市初期,你得有眼光选中一个潜力股,那种能涨10倍以上的。这可得靠你的判断力了,看流量、看概念、看站台的大佬是谁。 孙割或者国人的盘子?躲远点,大概率是坑。你得多交朋友,多请教高人,提高自己的认知。当机会来临时,你得有果断的判断力和决策力,一把抓住,那100万就离你不远了! 如果你不会筛选强势币,想要了解更多犀利操作策略?提前埋伏哪些潜力币?那么建议你关注我。并通过主页联系财神。一对一给您们仓位做分析。记住,机会总是留给有准备的人。 #BTC走势分析 #Meme币你看好哪一个? #山寨币热点
在二级市场中赚取第一桶金并实现收益翻倍,确实有一定的挑战性。以下是一些策略和建议,帮助你在币圈中更有效地操作: 重点关注。很好的干货,不会的可以dm 1. 学习和研究 1️⃣深入研究市场:了解市场趋势、项目基本面和技术分析。 2️⃣关注新闻和公告:时刻关注与市场相关的新闻和官方公告,这些信息可能会对市场产生重大影响。 2. 资金管理: 1️⃣合理分配资金:避免将全部资金投入到单一标的中,分散投资以降低风险。 2️⃣设置止损和止盈点:每次交易前设定好止损和止盈点,以控制风险和锁定利润。 3. 选择合适的交易平台和工具: - 1️⃣选择可靠的平台:确保交易平台安全可靠,支持杠杆交易和多种交易工具。 2️⃣使用交易工具:善于利用技术分析工具、机器人交易等辅助决策。 4. 制定交易策略: 1️⃣趋势交易:顺应市场趋势,寻找入场和出场的最佳时机。 2️⃣反向交易:在市场过度反应时进行反向操作,但需要谨慎判断市场是否已见底或见顶。 5. 杠杆交易: 1️⃣谨慎使用杠杆:杠杆交易可以放大收益,但同时也会放大风险。建议在有充分把握的情况下使用。 2️⃣控制仓位:避免满仓操作,根据风险承受能力合理控制仓位。 6. 长期规划: 1️⃣设定长期目标:明确自己的长期投资目标,并制定详细的操作计划。 2️⃣耐心持有:避免频繁操作,耐心持有有潜力的项目,等待市场上涨。 7.心理素质: 1️⃣保持冷静:面对市场波动保持冷静,避免情绪化操作。 2️⃣不断学习 3️⃣市场变化无常,持续学习新知识和技能,提升自己的交易水平。 币圈的风险与机会并存,如果你还没有找到合适的团队和领路人,不妨通过煮页来连戏财神,免费的干货和福利与你分享,记住,机会总是留给有准备的人。 #BTC走势分析 #山寨币热点 $BTC
炒币这么久了,大家知道比特币钱包地址是怎么产生的吗? 我第一次接触比特币时,对它的钱包地址产生过程感到非常好奇。经过了一番学习,我了解到比特币钱包地址是一串由数字和字母组成的字符串,类似于一个银行账户号码,用于接收比特币的交易。每个比特币钱包地址都是唯一的,且与私钥(私密密钥)一一对应。私钥是一串随机生成的大数,它与钱包地址之间存在密切的数学关系。 生成比特币钱包地址的过程是基于椭圆曲线密码学算法的。这个算法可以生成一对密钥,包括公钥(公开密钥)和私钥。公钥用于加密和验证交易,而私钥用于解密和签署交易。 首先选择一个可靠的比特币钱包应用或在线服务,在创建钱包时,应用程序会随机生成一个私钥。私钥是一个256位的随机数,其范围非常庞大,可以保证每个私钥都是唯一的。通过椭圆曲线算法,钱包应用会将私钥转换为对应的公钥。公钥是私钥经过一系列复杂计算得到的,它也是一个256位的字符串。 公钥会经过哈希函数的处理,得到160位的哈希值。这个哈希值就是比特币钱包地址的核心部分。为了确保钱包地址的唯一性和防止篡改,还会在哈希值的前面加上一个版本号,并进行校验码的计算。这样,最终得到的钱包地址就是一个以1或3开头的长字符串,它是唯一的且不可逆转。 这个过程中,私钥是至关重要的,任何人都不应该泄露私钥,否则就会失去对比特币的控制权。只有持有正确的私钥,才能在比特币网络上进行转账和交易。 #BTC走势分析 #新币挖矿 $BTC $ETH

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