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Is it the only choice for a novice to trade in cryptocurrencies, from entry to master? 1. Learn industry knowledge and improve cognition More than 80% of people in the circle have no knowledge of the blockchain industry. In the eyes of many people, trading in cryptocurrencies is a gamble. If you win, you are lucky, and if you lose, you accept your fate. With this mentality, if you can make money, it is a sickle. Doing anything without a global concept and working hard is like swimming in the sea, and death is definitely a high probability event. After waking up from the dream of getting rich, I found that, damn, it turns out that trading in cryptocurrencies is not that simple. So the question is, is it really that difficult to trade in cryptocurrencies? Why do some people lose so much money in trading in cryptocurrencies? Why do some people sell all their underwear? The answer is: not learning. No one is born to swim. Similarly, trading in cryptocurrencies is the same. If you don’t learn, losing money is inevitable, and being cheated is normal. What to learn? How to learn? Professional knowledge areas, basic concepts of blockchain, digital currency, exchanges, NFT, etc., investment areas, positions, basic K-lines, etc., including the most important investment mentality (psychological construction), layout, position management, etc. Emerging industries, there is no doubt that new concepts emerge day by day. If you don’t keep up one day, you will definitely get off the train. Therefore, if you don’t have a heart to learn, it is recommended not to enter the market. The more you learn, the more confidence you will have, and by the way, your income will increase. Looking back a few years later, you will find that those who can stay in the market game are basically those with a complete knowledge structure, not those who only have the price of the currency in their eyes and only the ups and downs in their minds. Speculating in currency is similar to falling in love. If you don’t go deep, how can you increase your feelings? YY is useless. If you work hard, you will have goods (currencies) in your stomach! 2. Determine the investment strategy and strictly implement it Two pitfalls of speculating in currency: getting rich from contracts and short-term masters. Newbies in the currency circle, even old people, have had or are having short-term speculation ideas, always thinking about short-term and contracts. Many people only see the thief eating meat, but not the thief being beaten. They are immersed in the illusion of speculating in coins by using tables and screenshots, and cannot extricate themselves. Poor leeks, in addition to being harvested by the dealer, they are also buried alive by the so-called "short-term gods, one contract". Who can they blame? As the saying goes: If you don't cut the leeks, you will cut yourself. This is what it means. Contracts and short-term are like lovers. They can only make you happy for a while. Especially when they are not strong enough, you must stay away from them.After the romance, you will understand that she is the one who lives the life. The question is, what strategies can ordinary newbies have to make money for a long time? Yes, but the premise is that the cognition is in place. I have taught many people in the second book, but few can hold on in front of the waterfall. Those who persisted have been stable all the way. At present, the results are far better than a group of so-called "cryptocurrency gods". What strategy? Build positions on dips, make reasonable layouts, control positions, make cyclical money, forget your identity, and do what you should do. Do you understand? I think there are not many people who can integrate knowledge and action, especially in a bear market... This market never talks about feelings, nor will it talk about feelings. If you don’t have a certain mentality, enter with caution! 3. Find friends with the same frequency The cryptocurrency circle is full of mixed people, impetuous, and people come and go. Most of them have lost money for 8 years and have to leave with blood in their mouths. This is how the world is. If you don’t have your own way of playing, you will definitely be killed, especially in the financial industry....... There is a saying in the cryptocurrency circle that if you are in the cryptocurrency circle, you will sleep like a baby from then on. Indeed, this is a true portrayal of many people, especially those who have a bad mentality and enter the market with debt. It is not easy to find a group of people with similar values ​​and investment concepts, especially when the account loses 95%, many people’s faith has become reporting to the police. Therefore, if you meet a good person, you must cherish it, believe in fate, and believe that although there is a screen between them, the Internet also has warmth. Find a group of partners with positive values ​​and the same investment philosophy to create wealth together. There will be thresholds, and those who hesitate should take a detour. #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #新币挖矿 #SHIB

Is it the only choice for a novice to trade in cryptocurrencies, from entry to master?

1. Learn industry knowledge and improve cognition

More than 80% of people in the circle have no knowledge of the blockchain industry. In the eyes of many people, trading in cryptocurrencies is a gamble. If you win, you are lucky, and if you lose, you accept your fate. With this mentality, if you can make money, it is a sickle. Doing anything without a global concept and working hard is like swimming in the sea, and death is definitely a high probability event. After waking up from the dream of getting rich, I found that, damn, it turns out that trading in cryptocurrencies is not that simple. So the question is, is it really that difficult to trade in cryptocurrencies? Why do some people lose so much money in trading in cryptocurrencies? Why do some people sell all their underwear? The answer is: not learning.

No one is born to swim. Similarly, trading in cryptocurrencies is the same. If you don’t learn, losing money is inevitable, and being cheated is normal. What to learn? How to learn? Professional knowledge areas, basic concepts of blockchain, digital currency, exchanges, NFT, etc., investment areas, positions, basic K-lines, etc., including the most important investment mentality (psychological construction), layout, position management, etc.

Emerging industries, there is no doubt that new concepts emerge day by day. If you don’t keep up one day, you will definitely get off the train. Therefore, if you don’t have a heart to learn, it is recommended not to enter the market. The more you learn, the more confidence you will have, and by the way, your income will increase. Looking back a few years later, you will find that those who can stay in the market game are basically those with a complete knowledge structure, not those who only have the price of the currency in their eyes and only the ups and downs in their minds. Speculating in currency is similar to falling in love. If you don’t go deep, how can you increase your feelings? YY is useless. If you work hard, you will have goods (currencies) in your stomach!

2. Determine the investment strategy and strictly implement it

Two pitfalls of speculating in currency: getting rich from contracts and short-term masters. Newbies in the currency circle, even old people, have had or are having short-term speculation ideas, always thinking about short-term and contracts. Many people only see the thief eating meat, but not the thief being beaten. They are immersed in the illusion of speculating in coins by using tables and screenshots, and cannot extricate themselves. Poor leeks, in addition to being harvested by the dealer, they are also buried alive by the so-called "short-term gods, one contract". Who can they blame? As the saying goes: If you don't cut the leeks, you will cut yourself. This is what it means.

Contracts and short-term are like lovers. They can only make you happy for a while. Especially when they are not strong enough, you must stay away from them.After the romance, you will understand that she is the one who lives the life.

The question is, what strategies can ordinary newbies have to make money for a long time? Yes, but the premise is that the cognition is in place. I have taught many people in the second book, but few can hold on in front of the waterfall. Those who persisted have been stable all the way. At present, the results are far better than a group of so-called "cryptocurrency gods".

What strategy? Build positions on dips, make reasonable layouts, control positions, make cyclical money, forget your identity, and do what you should do. Do you understand? I think there are not many people who can integrate knowledge and action, especially in a bear market... This market never talks about feelings, nor will it talk about feelings. If you don’t have a certain mentality, enter with caution!

3. Find friends with the same frequency

The cryptocurrency circle is full of mixed people, impetuous, and people come and go. Most of them have lost money for 8 years and have to leave with blood in their mouths. This is how the world is. If you don’t have your own way of playing, you will definitely be killed, especially in the financial industry.......

There is a saying in the cryptocurrency circle that if you are in the cryptocurrency circle, you will sleep like a baby from then on. Indeed, this is a true portrayal of many people, especially those who have a bad mentality and enter the market with debt.

It is not easy to find a group of people with similar values ​​and investment concepts, especially when the account loses 95%, many people’s faith has become reporting to the police. Therefore, if you meet a good person, you must cherish it, believe in fate, and believe that although there is a screen between them, the Internet also has warmth.

Find a group of partners with positive values ​​and the same investment philosophy to create wealth together. There will be thresholds, and those who hesitate should take a detour. #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #新币挖矿 #SHIB

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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币圈的四大悲伤故事?你经历过哪一种?还是都经历过? 在一个遥远的数字货币世界,小明、小刚、小丽和小华四位投资者各自经历着币圈的四大悲伤故事。 小明,一个年轻的投资者,刚进入币圈时满腔热血。他看准了一个潜力巨大的项目,投入了自己所有的积蓄。经过漫长的等待,项目终于开始有了起色,价格缓缓回升。就在小明以为自己即将回本,甚至还能小赚一笔的时候,市场突然失去了动力,反弹戛然而止。小明眼睁睁地看着自己的希望破灭,心中充满了无尽的惋惜。 小刚,则是一个更为谨慎的投资者。他通过研究和分析,选择了一个看似稳定的项目进行投资。在一段时间的持有后,他成功获利并决定出局。然而,就在他卖出不久,这个项目突然爆发,成为市场的一匹黑马,价格飞涨。小刚看着曾经拥有的财富在眼前溜走,心中充满了懊悔和不甘。 小丽,一个自信满满的投资者。她凭借自己的眼光和勇气,投资了一个备受争议的项目。在初期,这个项目确实给她带来了丰厚的回报,让她自鸣得意。然而,好景不长,市场突然发生巨变,暴跌如期而至。小丽的财富在短短的时间内化为乌有,她无法接受这样的打击,陷入了深深的绝望之中。 小华,则是一个在币圈摸爬滚打多年的老手。他曾经拥有过无数的财富和荣誉,但也在市场的波动中失去了所有。当他身无分文时,他发现那些曾经错过的、被忽视的好项目如今遍地都是。然而,他已经没有了投资的资本和勇气,只能眼睁睁地看着机会从眼前溜走。 这四位投资者,他们的经历虽然各不相同,但都反映了币圈的残酷和无情。在这个充满机遇和挑战的世界里,没有人能够永远成功,也没有人会永远失败。只有不断学习和成长,才能在这个变化莫测的市场中立足。 #ETH #BTC 评论区来聊一下。
跟你们说个故事。 小A当年一个人在家里研究做电商,每天2点睡觉。三个月足不出户,村里总共就50个人。然后有小伙伴告诉他,村里的人天天说他好吃懒做。这么大人了不去上班,废了废了,吃家里的用家里的。 后天搞电商一天赚1000元的时候,他们又说 这个做电商肯定就是做传销的。肯定是靠这个赚来的。 又到后面赚5000一天的时候,他们说这个做电商啊肯定就是卖假货的。 后面有朋友做微商,在朋友圈发广告,他说因为发这个产品,朋友都屏蔽了他朋友圈。然后认为他搞传销,碰到她都要避而远之的。 2015年买大饼,很多人觉得就是不靠谱的。觉得买这东西的纯粹是想发财发疯了,虚无缥缈的东西比彩票还不靠谱。 2017年人家买这个的时候,就认为这个就是搞传销,就是骗人的。 到了2021年,人家渐渐不这么说了。很多人是这么说了 口风换了。 他们通通说:这个东西我看不懂,不懂的我不做。然后心里想着 又想骗我的钱。我才不上当。 我宁可买房车买理财买基金也绝对不可能买什么比特币。不要做梦了 我才不会上当。 估计到了2025年,我的想法是这样子的。这东西好像还可以,但是贵的太离谱了,不能吃不能用。竟然这么贵。肯定是美国佬割韭菜的。我可不能上当啊。 可不,绝对不能上当,那天去银行门口路口,那偌大的标语都贴着:防范虚拟货币诈骗风险。#BTC #ETH 真的是认知决定命运,一点都不假!

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