From the beginning of April to now, the market has been falling for half a month. Let’s reflect on this round of decline.

In fact, everyone has their own ideas and thoughts. I don’t know what kind of standard answers or suggestions you want. The market and trends are not something you and I can control, so I just share my thoughts and operational suggestions with you.


Many people in the group have talked to me privately, and I also said that there will definitely be a big drop before and after the halving, but it is necessary to touch the previous high before the big drop. However, only Bitcoin touched it, and the altcoins did not move much. We have been waiting for the altcoins to catch up, but this round of market conditions is different. Only Bitcoin and Ethereum are pulling up, and the altcoins are not following at all.

The price of Bitcoin actually fell by only ten points. In the past, the price of copycat products only fell by 20%-30%. For spot products, these fluctuations are very normal, but this time the price of copycat products was cut in half or even higher, and all those who did not escape were trapped.

This reflects a problem. The current market liquidity is very poor. There is no capital in the market. The copycats have no depth. No dog dealer is willing to lower the price of their own projects. I can sell goods worth 10 million in October, why should I sell goods worth 5 million in May? The project owner is not stupid.

The market has adjusted to now and is about to be halved. In the short term, both Bitcoin and altcoins are at relative bottom prices. Even if Bitcoin is falling, altcoins are already in such a state, where can they fall further? To be honest, I have a lot of stocks trapped, and I did not escape the top this round. It is normal to be trapped in the market. Don't listen to those who escaped the top accurately the day before the big drop, and picked the bottom accurately when the price fell. They are just bragging.

At the current position of the Shanzhai, you can buy twice as much goods with half the money you paid before, which is a good deal. Retreat is normal, but don't let your thinking be affected. Now there are two ideas:


The first is to continue to hold the spot that you have held before, and ignore the ones that are trapped for the time being and wait for the rebound. If the position is not heavy and the position is high, you can increase the position appropriately, and do not move the heavy position.

Second, if you are short, fire some of your bullets and buy some coins that you think are valuable or coins in strong sectors. Even if you don’t hold a long-term position, you can still make a wave at this position.

As long as you are not doing contracts and leverage, there will be no problem (this is also the reason why I have always advised people not to do contracts. The spikes in the past two days and the 1x leverage were a bit risky). Spot trading is just an amplification cycle, so don’t be FOMO or anxious.

It was actually my fault that I didn't ask everyone to reduce their positions in time. First, I judged that the altcoin market would not fall so sharply, and I was wrong. Second, I always thought that it would be okay if it fell, and I could just add positions to raise the average price. However, I ignored the issue of capital size. Not everyone has the money to cover their positions in every round of decline.

In the future, we must be consistent in what we say and what we do. If we see that the situation is not right, we should make losses and then get the next one back.

The one I bought the most when the market fell was ORDI, and I thought it could go over 100. The next thing I bought to cover my position was Fans Coin. As everyone can see, Fans Coin still held up quite well during the junk market, and it should perform well in the Champions League. Those who don’t have positions in the ones mentioned earlier can ambush them.

In addition, if you don't have much money and want a small investment and a big return, I recommend three local dogs.

1. Ethereum chain, HHGTTG, contract address: 0xee3c722d177559f73288cec91fa3e4bbfd8c27fc, this has been hard on Musk, and the wash is almost done. The space is ten times more, and the current market value is 300,000

2. BSC chain, RWA, contract address: 0x57bfcf7bb43a3cae0aab981e2585a9e32d069f29, the same name as the RWA track, the bull market RWA track must be hyped, if it can bring heat, this dozens of times should be no problem, the current market value is 90,000

3. SOL chain, GIKO, contract address: 3WPep4ufaToK1aS5s8BL9inzeUrt4DYaQCiic6ZkkC1U, an animated cat, but the people behind the promotion, including the milk, are all members of the wif team, and those who did publicity for WIF at the time. It is not ruled out that it is a project done by the WIF team. The current market value is 300,000.

Later, I will bring you analysis of leading projects in other tracks. If you are interested, you can click to follow. I will also organize some cutting-edge consulting and project reviews from time to time. Welcome all like-minded people in the cryptocurrency circle to explore together