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At this stage, the basic cleaning of the copycat is very good. Many of the price peaks have returned to the prices in January. It is a very good choice to suppress the copycat and welcome the vitality cycle. I don’t know if you still remember that I wrote a post before. Although the content is relatively brief, it summarizes a lot. Whether it is betting on the copycat later or this wave of callback, it may be boring for a while, but it is better than not daring to increase the position and regret it when it rises later. Then what are the opportunities in each track in the second half of the next half? 1: Top sports events such as the European Cup on June 15 and the Olympics in July usually start to hype about one or two months in advance. SANTOS is the son of a certain An, Por is endorsed by Ronaldo, and AGK is endorsed by Messi. Small market value can be several times. 2: Ethereum Prague upgrade is coming! Ambush in advance OP (2), IMX (1.8), ETHFI (3.5), SSV (35), PENDLE (5) should all be good choices 3: Sol's annual conference will be held in September this year, jup (0.85), pyth (0.55), jto (2.3), ray (1.2), and meme-based bome are all worth considering. 4: There will be news of GPT5 being released in the middle of the year. On May 2, ocen, fet, and agix will announce the details of the merger. RNDR (8), WLD (4.5), arkm (1.3) will follow the trend and narrative hotspots and start a new wave. 5: ETC will reduce production in June, and there is hype. In the past, ETC (24) can double its production every time it reduces production. #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #ETHFI🔥🔥🔥 #ETH🔥🔥🔥

At this stage, the basic cleaning of the copycat is very good. Many of the price peaks have returned to the prices in January. It is a very good choice to suppress the copycat and welcome the vitality cycle. I don’t know if you still remember that I wrote a post before. Although the content is relatively brief, it summarizes a lot. Whether it is betting on the copycat later or this wave of callback, it may be boring for a while, but it is better than not daring to increase the position and regret it when it rises later.

Then what are the opportunities in each track in the second half of the next half?

1: Top sports events such as the European Cup on June 15 and the Olympics in July usually start to hype about one or two months in advance. SANTOS is the son of a certain An, Por is endorsed by Ronaldo, and AGK is endorsed by Messi. Small market value can be several times.

2: Ethereum Prague upgrade is coming! Ambush in advance OP (2), IMX (1.8), ETHFI (3.5), SSV (35), PENDLE (5) should all be good choices

3: Sol's annual conference will be held in September this year, jup (0.85), pyth (0.55), jto (2.3), ray (1.2), and meme-based bome are all worth considering.

4: There will be news of GPT5 being released in the middle of the year. On May 2, ocen, fet, and agix will announce the details of the merger. RNDR (8), WLD (4.5), arkm (1.3) will follow the trend and narrative hotspots and start a new wave.

5: ETC will reduce production in June, and there is hype. In the past, ETC (24) can double its production every time it reduces production.

#BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #ETHFI🔥🔥🔥 #ETH🔥🔥🔥

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昨晚的下跌我看市场很多人都说因为以色列要对黎巴嫩采取行动,这个可以说是属于毫无关系这明明是两个国家以色列的拉法行动和伊朗无关。 拉法行动不过是过去大半年以色列跟哈马斯、真主党、伊拉克民兵组织、胡赛武装等伊朗代理人冲突的重演。不要找什么原因了无非就是碰到压力位了,自然就回调了。 投资这个东西一定要自己去取证,不要只看别人怎么说。学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。 短期市场其实也没有什么大的消息需要关注,非要说有可能就是香港的ETF 4.30号正式开始交易,到底是推波助澜还是石沉大海还需等待验证。 然后就是bn新的一期挖矿又来送钱了,为什么说送钱呢?有足够的现金流躺着就源源不断有优质新项目的早期筹码分发。 介绍挺简单但是直达重点,挺喜欢废话少目的明确的项目:Renzo(协议)为终端用户简化复杂的质押机制,并实现与 EigenLayer 节点运营商和主动验证服务(AVSs)的快速合作。 应该是Restaking赛道的明星项目了,收益的话应该是会有不错的。当然的我也就一个普及给大家参考,具体还是看个人如何抉择了。 另外就是区块链是不是泡沫郁金香这个问题,那就看你如何理解了,从数字经济发展的内在逻辑看,这个前景其实是非常确定的,只不过很多人不能理解这个本质罢了。 文明迎来大变革时,旧时代的既得利益者是最容易被抛弃的。AIGC + EDU + Crypto,能理解的人越少,潜在机会越多。 总结一句话就是:要看加密货币和区块链技术有没有应用前景。 感觉好久没有回归现在的状态了,应该至少有半年没有早上起来给大家总结市场热点,然后逐步讲解。说实话这也正常在行情好的时候没人会愿意把时间浪费在写东西上面。 #BTC回调才会更好的上涨 #比特币减半 #新币挖矿
我总是时不时出来给大家泼一盆冷水来警醒大家、在行业内一定要如履薄冰。 在这种行情中都有韭菜还在亏损中,但是看到这种鸡汤文就已经开始幻想自己以后要赚多少多少了,一个连自己本金都守不住的人你说你能一飞冲天,这种话说出来你自己信吗? 你想达成这种条件你回头思考一下自己,自身条件有哪一项你觉得能帮你达成,通过运气吗? 显然不大可能,这个圈子是传奇和暴富的故事很多,但是归零的故事更多。 为何归零没有人去提或者深刻的记忆,因为归零这个事情每天都在发生,见怪不怪了。即使你听到了也是可能只是稍微同情一下就抛之脑后了,但是暴富的故事不一样不是经常发生,发生一次人们会记得很久,当然另外一个原因就是羡慕,人嘛会不自觉的幻想这个发生到自己身上会怎样怎样。 在这个记吃不记打的圈子放弃所谓的好高骛远,打铁还需自身硬,对于我们而言,知识就是大数据。本地的个人知识库,是不能没有的。 特别是小散户一定要看清自己的定位,别人的大资金投入可能一波下来翻个倍就已经是你一生的梦想了,不要想着自己天生就是主角,要想着自己怎么依靠知识成为主角。 百倍千倍或许有运气成分在里面,但更多是自身比较硬,放弃所谓的幻想。有去看鸡汤文幻想的时间不如多去学习提高自己的知识库。有些人真的同板块或者相关生态币都不知道那些有关联。 可能写了这个帖子会让大家不舒服,但是良药苦口这就是事实。写这个帖子并没有什么负面情绪,在这个每天都有鸡汤文渲染的环境下,我觉得需要有人站出来让大家保持清醒看清自己的定位。 #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #Meme

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