I would like to share with you a sad experience of a trader I saw

"I have lost all my food money again. I have been sitting in the crowded subway in Beijing, working in a dull and boring class, and living in a house with a bad and dirty environment for three years. I am really exhausted. Today I told my boss that I resigned and I plan to return to my hometown and lie down in half a month after handing over my work. I still owe hundreds of thousands of debts and I can't pay them back for a while. Last time I lost my food money, my mother borrowed 1,000 a few months ago, and today she borrowed another 300. I will borrow more after spending it. It is impossible for me to make stable profits in my current state. The funny thing is that I have never recognized myself and have always been fantasizing. It's not just my heart that is heartbroken, but my body is also obviously worse The pain was a little bit. At the age of 25, I was like a hunchbacked old man without vitality and youth. I don’t know what debt I owed in my previous life that I have to pay back in this life with such torture and pain. Looking at my mother’s red and swollen eyes and vicissitudes of life, it deeply pierced my heart. Now I am a waste in the market, a person without conscience in life, living like a walking corpse, bringing dishonesty to friends, leaving disappointment to my family, and the most hurt is my body and soul. I sold myself to desire, turned tomorrow into gray, and turned life into haze. How I longed to wake up from a sleep when I was a child and didn’t know the world. Wind and rain were natural and everything was normal. Now it is a miserable life with cold wind and rain. "

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