Bitcoin broke the sideways trend in the morning and pulled up, reaching a high of 65870 and being blocked. Congratulations to those who followed the 👆low-to-long idea, and harvested a lot! The current price of the currency is running around 65000. In the short term, the current upward trend is actually intact, and its trend is also completely in line with expectations. It is expected that this oscillating upward pattern will continue during the day. The short-term pressure above is at the 65800 mark, and the support below has now moved up to around 64500, and further support is at 63500. At present, the upward momentum has not ended. It is expected that after a slight decline during the day, it will continue to rush up to test the pressure level near 65800 for the first time. Therefore, we can keep going long in terms of operation! Operation suggestions for Monday afternoon: Bitcoin: Short-term retracement around 64000-64500, can be long, the target is 65800-66500. Ethereum: Just proceed with the same idea, lock in the point, and take good defense! Cognition is your wealth. Choice is more important than hard work. Those who understand will understand!

#比特币减半 #Meme #大盘走势